Coordinate Table To Line Of Bearing (Defense)

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Creates lines of bearing from coordinates stored in a table.


  • The output line feature class will have fields for both bearing and distance values.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Table

The table containing the source coordinates.

Table View
Output Bearing Lines Feature Class

The feature class containing the output lines of bearing.

Feature Class
X Field (longitude, UTM, MGRS, USNG, GARS, GEOREF)

The field in the input table containing the x or longitude coordinates.

Bearing Field

The field in the input table containing the bearing values.

Distance Field

The field in the input table containing the distance values.

Input Coordinate Format

Specifies the format of the input table coordinates.

  • Decimal Degrees - One Field —Coordinates will be formatted in a decimal degrees coordinate pair stored in a single field with coordinates separated by a space, comma, or slash.
  • Decimal Degrees - Two Fields —Coordinates will be formatted in a decimal degrees coordinate pair stored in two table fields. This is the default.
  • Degrees and Decimal Minutes - One Field —Coordinates will be formatted in a degrees and decimal minutes coordinate pair stored in a single table field with coordinates separated by a space, comma, or slash.
  • Degrees and Decimal Minutes - Two Fields —Coordinates will be formatted in a degrees and decimal minutes coordinate pair stored in two table fields.
  • Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds - One Field —Coordinates will be formatted in a degrees, minutes, and seconds coordinate pair stored in a single table field with coordinates separated by a space, comma, or slash.
  • Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds - Two Fields —Coordinates will be formatted in a degrees, minutes, and seconds coordinate pair stored in two table fields.
  • Global Area Reference System —Coordinates will be formatted in Global Area Reference System.
  • World Geographic Reference System — Coordinates will be formatted in World Geographic Reference System.
  • Universal Transverse Mercator Bands —Coordinates will be formatted in Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate bands.
  • Universal Transverse Mercator Zones —Coordinates will be formatted in Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate zones.
  • United States National Grid —Coordinates will be formatted in United States National Grid.
  • Military Grid Reference System —Coordinates will be formatted in Military Grid Reference System.
Bearing Units

Specifies the unit of measurement for the bearing angles.

  • Degrees —The angle will be degrees. This is the default.
  • Mils —The angle will be mils.
  • Radians —The angle will be radians.
  • Gradians —The angle will be gradians.
Distance Units

Specifies the units of measurement for the distance.

  • Meters — The unit will be meters. This is the default.
  • Kilometers — The unit will be kilometers.
  • Miles —The unit will be miles.
  • Nautical miles —The unit will be nautical miles.
  • Feet —The unit will be feet.
  • US survey feet —The unit will be U.S. survey feet.
Y Field (latitude)

The field in the input table containing the y or latitude coordinates.

The Y Field (latitude) parameter is used when the Input Coordinate Format parameter is set to Decimal Degrees - Two Fields, Degrees and Decimal Minutes - Two Fields, or Degrees Minutes and Seconds - Two Fields.

Line Type

Specifies the output line type.

  • Geodesic line —The shortest distance between any two points on the earth's spheroidal surface (ellipsoid) will be used. This is the default.
  • Great circle line —The line on a spheroid (ellipsoid) defined by the intersection of a plane passing through the center of the spheroid will be used.
  • Rhumb line —A line of constant bearing or azimuth will be used.
  • Normal section —A normal plane to the earth's ellipsoidal surface containing the start and end points will be used.
Output Coordinate System

The spatial reference of the output feature class. The default is GCS_WGS_1984.

Spatial Reference

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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