Generate Grid From Area (Defense)

This ArcGIS 2.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Generates a Gridded Reference Graphic (GRG) over a specified area with a custom size based on a bounding polygon.


  • The output grid will completely fill the input area.

  • The rotation of Input Feature determines the rotation of the output grid.

  • Cell labels will be added to a Grid field in the Output Feature Class.

  • The Output Feature Class is in the Web Mercator coordinate system.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Feature

The input polygon feature on which the GRG will be based.

Feature Set
Output Feature Class

The output polygon feature class containing the GRG.

Feature Class
Cell Width

The width of the cells. Measurement units are specified by the Cell Units parameter.

Cell Height

The height of the cells. Measurement units are specified by the Cell Units parameter.

Cell Units

Specifies the measurement units for cell width and height.

  • Meters — The unit will be meters. This is the default.
  • Kilometers — The unit will be kilometers.
  • Miles —The unit will be miles.
  • Nautical miles —The unit will be nautical miles.
  • Feet —The unit will be feet.
  • US survey feet —The unit will be U.S. survey feet.
Label Start Position

Specifies the grid cell where labelling will start.

  • Upper left —The label position will be the upper left. This is the default.
  • Lower left —The label position will be the lower left.
  • Upper right —The label position will be the upper right.
  • Lower right —The label position will be in the lower right.
Label Format

Specifies the labeling type for each grid cell.

  • Alpha-numeric —The label will use an alpha character, a separator, and a number for the label. This is the default.
  • Alpha-alpha —The label will use an alpha character, a separator, and an additional alpha character for the label.
  • Numeric —The label will be numeric.
Label Separator

Specifies the separator to be used between x- and y-values when the Label Format parameter is set to Alpha-alpha, for example, A-A, A-AA, AA-A.

  • Hyphen —The label separator will be a hyphen. This is the default.
  • Comma —The label separator will be a comma.
  • Period —The label separator will be a period.
  • Forward slash —The label separator will be a forward slash.

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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