Areal Interpolation Layer To Polygons (Geostatistical Analyst)

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Available with Geostatistical Analyst license.


Reaggregates the predictions of an Areal Interpolation layer to a new set of polygons.

Learn more about Areal Interpolation


  • This tool is used to reaggregate polygonal data. After an Areal Interpolation layer is created in the Geostatistical Wizard, this tool aggregates the predictions to a new set of polygons.

  • This tool can be used in the workflow to downscale or upscale polygonal data, such as predicting population in census blocks from population counts in postal codes.

  • The input geostatistical layer must be the result of performing Areal Interpolation on a dataset. Geostatistical layers resulting from other interpolation techniques cannot be used with this tool.

  • The fields in the output feature class can include the following (where applicable):

    • Predicted—The predicted value of the polygon. The interpretation of the predicted value depends on the type of data used to create the areal interpolation geostatistical layer:
      • Average (Gaussian)—Predicts the average value of the Gaussian variable in the polygon.
      • Rate (Binomial)—Predicts the proportion of the population of a polygon that has a particular characteristic.
      • Event (Overdispersed Poisson)—Predicts the count in the polygon. If a time field is specified, the tool predicts the count per unit time.
    • StdError—The standard error of predicted values in the polygons.
    • Included—Indicates whether a stable prediction can be made for the polygon. If a prediction cannot be made, a description will indicate why it cannot be made.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input areal interpolation geostatistical layer

Input geostatistical layer resulting from an Areal Interpolation model.

Geostatistical Layer
Input polygon features

The polygons where predictions and standard errors will be aggregated.

Feature Layer
Output polygon feature class

The output feature class containing the aggregated predictions and standard errors for the new polygons.

Feature Class
Append all fields from input features

Determines whether all fields will be copied from the input features to the output feature class.

  • Checked—All fields from the input features will be copied to the output feature class. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Only the feature ID value will be copied, and it will be named Source_ID on the output feature class.

Licensing information

  • Basic: Requires Geostatistical Analyst
  • Standard: Requires Geostatistical Analyst
  • Advanced: Requires Geostatistical Analyst

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