Global Polynomial Interpolation (Geostatistical Analyst)

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Available with Geostatistical Analyst license.


Fits a smooth surface that is defined by a mathematical function (a polynomial) to the input sample points.

Learn more about how Global Polynomial Interpolation works


  • The result from this tool is a smooth surface that represents gradual trends in the surface over the area of interest.

  • The Local Polynomial Interpolation tool should be used when short-range variation exists in the data.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input features

The input point features containing the z-values to be interpolated.

Feature Layer
Z value field

Field that holds a height or magnitude value for each point. This can be a numeric field or the Shape field if the input features contain z-values or m-values.

Output geostatistical layer

The geostatistical layer produced. This layer is required output only if no output raster is requested.

Geostatistical Layer
Output raster

The output raster. This raster is required output only if no output geostatistical layer is requested.

Raster Dataset
Output cell size

The cell size at which the output raster will be created.

This value can be explicitly set in the Environments by the Cell Size parameter.

If not set, it is the shorter of the width or the height of the extent of the input point features, in the input spatial reference, divided by 250.

Analysis Cell Size
Order of polynomial

The order of the polynomial.

Weight field

Used to emphasize an observation. The larger the weight, the more impact it has on the prediction. For coincident observations, assign the largest weight to the most reliable measurement.


Licensing information

  • Basic: Requires Geostatistical Analyst
  • Standard: Requires Geostatistical Analyst
  • Advanced: Requires Geostatistical Analyst

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