Generate Coverage Areas (Intelligence)


Creates a proximity buffer for input Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) or patrol assets for use in the Generate Blind Spot Areas tool.


  • If you have several input asset data sets, run this tool once for each data set. Use the Merge tool to combine output layers into a single data set for use in the Generate Blind Spot Areas tool.

  • Negative buffer distances may cause unintended outputs. It is recommended that you use only buffer distances greater than zero.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

The input asset features.

Feature Layer
Output Blind Spot Buffer

The output blind spot buffer features.

Feature Class
Buffer Type

The distance around the input features that will be buffered. Distances can be provided as either a value representing a linear distance or a field from the input features that defines the individual ranges and units to buffer each feature.

Linear Unit; Field
Range Unit

Specifies a linear unit when the chosen Buffer Type parameter value does not contain the unit of distance.

  • Meters —The distance unit will be meters.
  • Kilometers —The distance unit will be kilometers.
  • Feet —The distance unit will be feet.
  • Miles —The distance unit will be miles.
  • Nautical Miles —The distance unit will be nautical miles.
Start Time Field

The field containing the start date and time the asset is available.

End Time Field

The field containing the end date and time the asset is no longer available.


arcpy.intelligence.GenerateCoverageAreas(in_features, out_feature_class, buffer_type, {range_unit}, {start_time_field}, {end_time_field})
NameExplanationData Type

The input asset features.

Feature Layer

The output blind spot buffer features.

Feature Class

The distance around the input features that will be buffered. Distances can be provided as either a value representing a linear distance or a field from the input features that defines the individual ranges and units to buffer each feature.

Linear Unit; Field

Specifies a linear unit when the chosen buffer_type parameter value does not contain the unit of distance.

  • MetersThe distance unit will be meters.
  • KilometersThe distance unit will be kilometers.
  • FeetThe distance unit will be feet.
  • MilesThe distance unit will be miles.
  • NauticalMilesThe distance unit will be nautical miles.

The field containing the start date and time the asset is available.


The field containing the end date and time the asset is no longer available.


Code sample

GenerateCoverageAreas example (stand-alone script)

The following script shows how to use the GenerateCoverageAreas function.

import os
import arcpy

arcpy.env.workspace = r"c:\ws\texas.gdb"
asset_fcs = ["td_towers", "td_localpd", "td_flt01"]
to_merge = []
out_merged = os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, "td_combined_buffers")
buffer_field = "vis_range"
start_field = "starttime"
end_field = "endtime"

for fc in asset_fcs:
   in_fc = os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, fc)
   out_fc = os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace, "{}_b".format(fc))
   arcpy.GenerateCoverageAreas_intelligence(in_fc, out_fc, buffer_field, "", 
                                       start_field, end_field)

arcpy.Merge_management(to_merge, out_merged)


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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