Iterate Field Values (ModelBuilder)


Iterates over each value in a field.

Learn how Iterate Field Values works in ModelBuilder


  • This tool is intended for use in ModelBuilder, not in Python scripting.

  • The output of the tool is a variable named Value and contains the value of the field. This variable can be used in inline variable substitution (%Value%).

  • The Data Type parameter specifies the data type of the output variable. The default data type is string, but depending on how the output will be used in the model, other data types can be specified. For example, if your field contains the path to a feature class, you can set the Data Type parameter to Feature Class and use the output variable as input to a tool that accepts a feature class.

  • If an iterator is added to a model, all tools in the model iterate for each value in the iterator. If you do not want to run each tool in the model for each iterated value, create a submodel, model within a model, or nested model that contains only the iterator and add it as a model tool to the main model.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Table

The input table to be iterated.

Table View; Raster Layer

The input field for iteration.

Data Type

Specifies the data type of the output value. The default data type is string, but depending on how the output will be used in the model, other data types can be specified. For example, if your field contains the path to a feature class, you can set this parameter to Feature Class and use the output variable as input to a tool that accepts a feature class.

  • Address Locator —Address Locator
  • Address Locator Style —Address Locator Style
  • Analysis Cell Size —Analysis Cell Size
  • Annotation Layer —Annotation Layer
  • Any Value —Any Value
  • ArcMap Document —ArcMap Document
  • Areal Unit —Areal Unit
  • BIM File Workspace —BIM File Workspace
  • Boolean —Boolean
  • Building Discipline Layer —Building Discipline Layer
  • Building Discipline Scene Layer —Building Discipline Scene Layer
  • Building Layer —Building Layer
  • Building Scene Layer —Building Scene Layer
  • CAD Drawing Dataset —CAD Drawing Dataset
  • Calculator Expression —Calculator Expression
  • Catalog Root —Catalog Root
  • Cell Size —Cell Size
  • Cell Size XY —Cell Size XY
  • Composite Layer —Composite Layer
  • Compression —Compression
  • Coordinate System —Coordinate System
  • Coordinate Systems Folder —Coordinate Systems Folder
  • Coverage —Coverage
  • Coverage Feature Class —Coverage Feature Class
  • Data Element —Data Element
  • Data File —Data File
  • Database Connections —Database Connections
  • Dataset —Dataset
  • Date —Date
  • dBASE Table —dBASE Table
  • Decimate —Decimate
  • Diagram Layer —Diagram Layer
  • Dimension Layer —Dimension Layer
  • Disk Connection —Disk Connection
  • Double —Double
  • Elevation Surface Layer —Elevation Surface Layer
  • Encrypted String —Encrypted String
  • Envelope —Envelope
  • Evaluation Scale —Evaluation Scale
  • Extent —Extent
  • Extract Values —Extract Values
  • Feature Class —Feature Class
  • Feature Dataset —Feature Dataset
  • Feature Layer —Feature Layer
  • Feature Set —Feature Set
  • Field —Field
  • Field Info —Field Info
  • Field Mappings —Field Mappings
  • File —File
  • Folder —Folder
  • Formulated Raster —Formulated Raster
  • Fuzzy function —Fuzzy function
  • GeoDataServer —GeoDataServer
  • Geodataset —Geodataset
  • Geometric Network —Geometric Network
  • Geostatistical Layer —Geostatistical Layer
  • Geostatistical Search Neighborhood —Geostatistical Search Neighborhood
  • Geostatistical Value Table —Geostatistical Value Table
  • GlobeServer —GlobeServer
  • GPServer —GPServer
  • Graph —Graph
  • Graph Data Table —Graph Data Table
  • Group Layer —Group Layer
  • Horizontal Factor —Horizontal Factor
  • Image Service —Image Service
  • Index —Index
  • INFO Expression —INFO Expression
  • INFO Item —INFO Item
  • INFO Table —INFO Table
  • Internet Tiled Layer —Internet Tiled Layer
  • KML Layer —KML Layer
  • LAS Dataset —LAS Dataset
  • LAS Dataset Layer —LAS Dataset Layer
  • Layer —Layer
  • Layer File —Layer File
  • Layout —Layout
  • Line —Line
  • Linear Unit —Linear Unit
  • Long —Long
  • M Domain —M Domain
  • Map —Map
  • Map Server —Map Server
  • Map Server Layer —Map Server Layer
  • Mosaic Dataset —Mosaic Dataset
  • Mosaic Layer —Mosaic Layer
  • Neighborhood —Neighborhood
  • Network Analyst Class FieldMap —Network Analyst Class FieldMap
  • Network Analyst Hierarchy Settings —Network Analyst Hierarchy Settings
  • Network Analyst Layer —Network Analyst Layer
  • Network Data Source —Network Data Source
  • Network Dataset —Network Dataset
  • Network Dataset Layer —Network Dataset Layer
  • Network Travel Mode —Network Travel Mode
  • Parcel Fabric —Parcel Fabric
  • Parcel Fabric for ArcMap —Parcel Fabric for ArcMap
  • Parcel Fabric Layer for ArcMap —Parcel Fabric Layer for ArcMap
  • Parcel Layer —Parcel Layer
  • Point —Point
  • Polygon —Polygon
  • Projection File —Projection File
  • Pyramid —Pyramid
  • Radius —Radius
  • Random Number Generator —Random Number Generator
  • Raster Band —Raster Band
  • Raster Calculator Expression —Raster Calculator Expression
  • Raster Catalog —Raster Catalog
  • Raster Catalog Layer —Raster Catalog Layer
  • Raster Data Layer —Raster Data Layer
  • Raster Dataset —Raster Dataset
  • Raster Layer —Raster Layer
  • Raster Statistics —Raster Statistics
  • Raster Type —Raster Type
  • Record Set —Record Set
  • Relationship Class —Relationship Class
  • Remap —Remap
  • Report —Report
  • Route Measure Event Properties —Route Measure Event Properties
  • Scene Layer —Scene Layer
  • Semivariogram —Semivariogram
  • ServerConnection —ServerConnection
  • Shapefile —Shapefile
  • Spatial Reference —Spatial Reference
  • SQL Expression —SQL Expression
  • String —String
  • String Hidden —String Hidden
  • Table —Table
  • Table View —Table View
  • Terrain Layer —Terrain Layer
  • Text File —Text File
  • Tile Size —Tile Size
  • Time configuration —Time configuration
  • Time Unit —Time Unit
  • TIN —TIN
  • TIN Layer —TIN Layer
  • Tool —Tool
  • Toolbox —Toolbox
  • Topo Features —Topo Features
  • Topology —Topology
  • Topology Layer —Topology Layer
  • Trace Network —Trace Network
  • Trace Network Layer —Trace Network Layer
  • Transformation function —Transformation function
  • Utility Network —Utility Network
  • Utility Network Layer —Utility Network Layer
  • Variant —Variant
  • Vector Tile Layer —Vector Tile Layer
  • Vertical Factor —Vertical Factor
  • Voxel Layer —Voxel Layer
  • VPF Coverage —VPF Coverage
  • VPF Table —VPF Table
  • WCS Coverage —WCS Coverage
  • Weighted Overlay Table —Weighted Overlay Table
  • Weighted Sum —Weighted Sum
  • WMS Map —WMS Map
  • WMTS Layer —WMTS Layer
  • Workspace —Workspace
  • XY Domain —XY Domain
  • Z Domain —Z Domain
Unique Values

Specifies whether iteration values will be based on unique values.

  • Checked—The iteration values will be based on the unique value of the specified field.
  • Unchecked—The iteration will run for each record in the input table.
Skip Null Values

Specifies whether null values in the field will be skipped.

  • Checked—Null values in the field will be skipped during selection.
  • Unchecked—Null values in the field will not be skipped during selection.
Null Value

The null value to skip, such as -9999, Null, or -1. The default values are "" for strings and "0" for numbers.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type

The field value returned by each iteration.

Any Value


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes