Parse Path (ModelBuilder)

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Parses an input into its file name, extension, path, and the last workspace name. The output can be used as an inline variable in the output name of other tools.

Learn how Parse Path works in ModelBuilder


  • This tool is intended for use in ModelBuilder, not in Python scripting.

  • More than one variable name can be added to create unique names for the output, for example, C:\Temp\Out_%Name%_%Workspace Name%.

  • If the input to the Parse Path tool is C:\1Tool Data\City Roads.shp, it is parsed into the following outputs:

    Path C:\1Tool Data
    NameCity Roads
    Workspace Name1Tool Data

    If the Format Name, Extension and Workspace parameter is checked, the path above will be parsed into the following outputs:

    Path C:\1Tool Data
    Workspace Name_1Tool_Data

  • The same functionality can be accessed in scripting with the Python os module. For example, if you pass an input variable:

    inData = r"C:\1Tool Data\City Roads.shp", then

    • To get the name City Roads
      import os
      name = os.path.basename(inData)
    • To get the path C:\1Tool Data
      import os
      path = os.path.dirname(inData)
    • To get the file extension shp
      import os
      ext = os.path.splitext(inData)[1][1:]
    • To get the workspace name 1Tool Data
      import os
      folder = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(inData))

    To parse paths in a similar way to when the Format Name, Extension and Workspace parameter is checked:

    • To get the name City_Roads
      import os
      import re
      name = os.path.basename(inData)
      name = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '_', name)
      if name[0].isdigit():
          name = "_" + name
    • To get the path C:\1Tool Data
      import os
      path = os.path.dirname(inData)
    • To get the file extension shp
      import os
      ext = os.path.splitext(inData)[1][1:]
    • To get the workspace name _1Tool_Data
      import os
      import re
      folder = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(inData))
      folder = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '_', folder)
      if folder[0].isdigit():
          folder = "_" + folder

  • The Path output of Parse Path has a workspace data type and can be connected directly as an input to the Create Feature Class tool's Feature Class Location parameter, which accepts a workspace data type as input. For tools such as Copy that do not have a workspace data type parameter, the Path value can be passed to the tool using inline variable substitution such as %Path%\Out_%Name%.%Extension%.

    Parse Path with the Create Feature Class tool


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Values

The input values to parse.

Any Value
Format Name, Extension and Workspace

Removes all reserved characters. Given the input value of C:\1Tool Data\InputFC.shp:

  • Path—The output will be the file path, for example, C:\1Tool Data.
  • Name—The output will be the file name, for example, InputFC.
  • Extension—The output will be the file extension, for example, shp.
  • Workspace Name—The output will be the workspace name, for example, _1Tool_Data.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type

The workspace of the input.


The file name, excluding the extension.


The file extension.

Workspace Name

The name of the workspace.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes