Export definitions of all diagram templates related to a given network.
The following script tool retrieves the list of the diagram templates related to a network and exports the definitions for each template into .ndbd and .ndld files in a given folder.
To add and configure this script tool, complete the following steps:
- Copy the following script into any Python IDE and save with the .py extension.
- Start ArcGIS Pro with a new blank project or an existing project.
- Add a new toolbox, or in the Catalog pane, click Project and use the default project toolbox under Toolboxes.
- Right-click this toolbox and click New > Script.
- Complete the General tab as follows:
- Name—Type ExportAllDiagramTemplateDefinitions.
- Label—Type Export All Diagram Template Definitions.
- Script File—Browse to and select the .py file created in step 1.
- Complete the Parameters tab as follows:
- 1st parameter
- Label—Type Input Network.
- Name—Keep the default name, Input_Network.
- Data Type—Select Utility Network and Trace Network.
- Type—Select Required.
- Direction—Select Input.
- 2nd parameter
- Label—Type Definition Files Export Folder.
- Name—Keep the default name Definition_Files_Export_Folder.
- Data Type—Select Folder.
- Type—Select Required.
- Direction—Select Input.
- Click OK. The Script Tool dialog box closes.
To run the script tool, complete the following steps:
- Expand the toolbox and double-click the tool to open it.
- Specify the Input Network parameter—that is, browse to and select the database connection file referencing the network from which you want to export all the template definitions,
- Specify the Output Folder parameter—that is, browse to and select the output folder where you want to export the template definition files.
- Click Run.
import arcpy
import os
import re
msgInputsErr = "Invalid arguments."
msgScriptErr = "Error during script operation."
ndbd_ext = ".ndbd"
ndld_ext = ".ndld"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
input_Network = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
input_Folder = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
if input_Network == "" or input_Folder == "" :
raise Exception()
except Exception:
arcpy.AddMessage("Retrieving the templates list...")
output_TemplateNames = arcpy.GetDiagramTemplateNames_nd(input_Network)
templateNamesList = re.split(';', str(output_TemplateNames))
arcpy.AddMessage("Looping on each template...")
for template in templateNamesList:
message = "Exporting template: {}".format(template)
arcpy.ExportDiagramTemplateDefinitions_nd(input_Network, template,
os.path.join(input_Folder, template + ndbd_ext),
os.path.join(input_Folder, template + ndld_ext))
except Exception: