Label | Explanation | Data Type |
To | The email address of the recipient. | String |
From | The email address of the sender. | String |
Subject | The text in the subject line of the email. | String |
Text | The body text of the email. | String |
Zip File | The file to be attached to the email. | File |
Max File Size (MB) | The maximum allowable size of an attachment. If you don't know what to use for Max File Size, check the attachment size limit of your SMTP mail server and the recipient email provider. | Long |
SMTP Email Server | The SMTP email server that will deliver the email. | String |
User (Optional) | The user which will log in to the SMTP email server. | String |
Password (Optional) | The user password used to connect to the SMTP email server (if necessary). | String |
Derived Output
Label | Explanation | Data Type |
Send Email Succeeded | A Boolean indicating whether or not the email was sent successfully. | Boolean |