Visualize Space Time Cube in 2D (Space Time Pattern Mining)


Visualizes the variables stored in a netCDF cube and the results generated by the Space Time Pattern Mining tools. Output from this tool is a two-dimensional representation uniquely rendered based on the variable and theme specified.


Visualize Space Time Cube in 2D tool illustration


  • This tool can only accept netCDF files created by the Create Space Time Cube By Aggregating Points, Create Space Time Cube From Defined Locations, and Create Space Time Cube from Multidimensional Raster Layer tools.

  • The Locations with data option in the Display Theme parameter allows you to see all locations that contain data for the chosen variable, and the Trends option shows where values have been increasing or decreasing over time (the results of the Mann-Kendall statistic run on the specified Cube Variable for each location). The Locations with data and Trends are always available after the cube is created.

  • The Hot and cold spot trends option shows where hot and cold spot z-scores are increasing or decreasing over time (the results of the Mann-Kendall statistic run on the z-scores of the space-time hot spot analysis for the specified Cube Variable value), and the Emerging Hot Spot Analysis results option re-creates the results returned when you ran the Emerging Hot Spot Analysis tool. Both Hot and cold spot trends and Emerging Hot Spot Analysis results are only available when Emerging Hot Spot Analysis has been run on the specified Cube Variable value.

  • The Time Series Clustering results option re-creates the results returned when you initially ran the Time Series Clustering tool.

  • The Percentage of local outliers, Local outlier in most recent time period, Local Outlier Analysis results, and Locations without spatial neighbors options are only available when you have run the Local Outlier Analysis tool. Percentage of local outliers shows the proportion of total outliers at each location, and Local outlier in most recent time period shows all of the outliers that occurred in the most recent time step of your space-time cube. Local Outlier Analysis results re-creates the results returned when you initially ran the Local Outlier Analysis tool. Locations without spatial neighbors displays all locations that have no spatial neighbors within the Neighborhood Distance value that was specified when you ran Local Outlier Analysis. As a result, these locations rely only on temporal neighbors for analysis calculations.

  • The Number of estimated bins option shows the number of bins that were estimated at each unique location, allowing you to see if there is a spatial pattern of places with missing values. If entire sections of the map have high numbers of estimated bins, that area may be best left out of the analysis. The Locations excluded from analysis option shows those places that had data but had empty bins that could not be filled because they did not meet the criteria for estimation. Both Number of estimated bins and Locations excluded from analysis are only available for Summary Fields values.

  • Using the Forecast results option in the Display Theme parameter, you can re-create the results from when you originally ran a tool in the Time Series Forecasting toolset.

  • The Time series outlier results option in the Display Theme parameter indicates locations containing bins that were considered temporal outliers for the selected Cube Variable parameter value and the analysis that is run.

  • For in-depth information about each of the Display Theme parameter options, including descriptions of the output and charts, see the Visualization display themes for the space-time cube topic.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Space Time Cube

The netCDF cube that contains the variable to be displayed. This file must have an .nc extension and must have been created using either the Create Space Time Cube By Aggregating Points, Create Space Time Cube From Defined Locations, or Create Space Time Cube from Multidimensional Raster Layer tool.

Cube Variable

The numeric variable in the netCDF cube to explore. The space-time cube will always contain the COUNT variable. Any Summary Fields or Variables values will also be available if they were included when the cube was created.

Display Theme

Specifies the characteristic of the Cube Variable value to display. Options will vary depending on how the cube was created and the analyses that were run.

  • Locations with data —All locations that contain data for the Cube Variable parameter will be displayed.
  • Trends —The trend of values at each location that were determined using the Mann-Kendall statistic will be displayed.
  • Hot and cold spot trends —The trend of z-scores at each location that were determined using the Mann-Kendall statistic will be displayed.
  • Emerging Hot Spot Analysis results —The results of the Emerging Hot Spot Analysis tool for the specified Cube Variable parameter will be displayed.
  • Local Outlier Analysis results —The results of the Local Outlier Analysis tool for the specified Cube Variable parameter will be displayed.
  • Percentage of local outliers —The total percentage of outliers at each location will be displayed.
  • Local outlier in the most recent time period —The outliers occurring in the most recent time period will be displayed.
  • Time Series Clustering results —The results of the Time Series Clustering tool for the specified Cube Variable parameter will be displayed.
  • Locations without spatial neighbors —Locations that have no spatial neighbors for the last analysis run will be displayed. These locations rely only on temporal neighbors for analysis.
  • Number of estimated bins —The number of bins that were estimated for each location will be displayed.
  • Locations excluded from analysis —The locations that were excluded from analysis because they had empty bins that did not meet the criteria for estimation will be displayed.
  • Forecast results —The results of the Time Series Forecasting tool used for the specified Analysis Variable parameter will be displayed.
  • Time series outlier results —The results of the Outlier Option parameter in the Time Series Forecasting tools will be displayed.
Output Features

The output feature class results. This feature class will be a two-dimensional map representation of the specified display variable.

Feature Class
Enable Time Series Pop-ups

Specifies whether time series pop-ups will be generated for each output feature. Pop-up charts are not supported for shapefile outputs.

  • Checked—Time series pop-ups will be generated for each feature in the dataset.
  • Unchecked—Time series pop-ups will not be generated. This is the default.

arcpy.stpm.VisualizeSpaceTimeCube2D(in_cube, cube_variable, display_theme, output_features, enable_time_series_popups)
NameExplanationData Type

The netCDF cube that contains the variable to be displayed. This file must have an .nc extension and must have been created using either the Create Space Time Cube By Aggregating Points, Create Space Time Cube From Defined Locations, or Create Space Time Cube from Multidimensional Raster Layer tool.


The numeric variable in the netCDF cube to explore. The space-time cube will always contain the COUNT variable. Any Summary Fields or Variables values will also be available if they were included when the cube was created.


Specifies the characteristic of the Cube Variable value to display. Options will vary depending on how the cube was created and the analyses that were run.

If the cube was created by aggregating points, the Locations with data and Trends options will be available. The Number of estimated bins and Locations excluded from analysis options will only be available for those Summary Fields values that were included in the cube creation process.

If the cube was created from defined locations, the Trends option will be available for those Summary Fields or Variables values that were included in the cube creation process.

The Hot and cold spot trends and Emerging Hot Spot Analysis results options will only be available after Emerging Hot Spot Analysis has been run on the selected Cube Variable value. The Percentage of local outliers, Local outlier in the most recent time period, Local Outlier Analysis results, and Locations without spatial neighbors options will only be available when the Local Outlier Analysis tool has been run.

The Forecast results option will only be available for cubes created by tools in the Time Series Forecasting toolset. The Time series outlier results option will only be available when the Outlier Option parameter in the Time Series Forecasting tools has been specified.

For in-depth information about each option, including descriptions of the output and created charts, see the Visualization display themes for the space-time cube topic.

  • LOCATIONS_WITH_DATAAll locations that contain data for the Cube Variable parameter will be displayed.
  • TRENDSThe trend of values at each location that were determined using the Mann-Kendall statistic will be displayed.
  • HOT_AND_COLD_SPOT_TRENDSThe trend of z-scores at each location that were determined using the Mann-Kendall statistic will be displayed.
  • EMERGING_HOT_SPOT_ANALYSIS_RESULTSThe results of the Emerging Hot Spot Analysis tool for the specified Cube Variable parameter will be displayed.
  • LOCAL_OUTLIER_ANALYSIS_RESULTSThe results of the Local Outlier Analysis tool for the specified Cube Variable parameter will be displayed.
  • PERCENTAGE_OF_LOCAL_OUTLIERSThe total percentage of outliers at each location will be displayed.
  • LOCAL_OUTLIER_IN_MOST_RECENT_TIME_PERIODThe outliers occurring in the most recent time period will be displayed.
  • TIME_SERIES_CLUSTERING_RESULTSThe results of the Time Series Clustering tool for the specified Cube Variable parameter will be displayed.
  • LOCATIONS_WITHOUT_SPATIAL_NEIGHBORSLocations that have no spatial neighbors for the last analysis run will be displayed. These locations rely only on temporal neighbors for analysis.
  • NUMBER_OF_ESTIMATED_BINSThe number of bins that were estimated for each location will be displayed.
  • LOCATIONS_EXCLUDED_FROM_ANALYSISThe locations that were excluded from analysis because they had empty bins that did not meet the criteria for estimation will be displayed.
  • FORECAST_RESULTSThe results of the Time Series Forecasting tool used for the specified Analysis Variable parameter will be displayed.
  • TIME_SERIES_OUTLIER_RESULTSThe results of the Outlier Option parameter in the Time Series Forecasting tools will be displayed.

The output feature class results. This feature class will be a two-dimensional map representation of the specified display variable.

Feature Class

Specifies whether time series pop-ups will be generated for each output feature. Pop-up charts are not supported for shapefile outputs.

  • CREATE_POPUPTime series pop-ups will be generated for each feature in the dataset.
  • NO_POPUPTime series pop-ups will not be generated. This is the default.

Code sample

VisualizeSpaceTimeCube2D example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the VisualizeSpaceTimeCube2D tool.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\STPM"
arcpy.VisualizeSpaceTimeCube2D_stpm("", "AGE_STD_ZEROS", 
VisualizeSpaceTimeCube2D example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone Python script demonstrates how to use the VisualizeSpaceTimeCube2D tool.

# Display Space Time Cube of homicide incidents in a metropolitan area

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set environment property to overwrite existing output, by default
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

# Local variables...
workspace = r"C:\STPM"

# Set the current workspace (to avoid having to specify the full path to the 
# feature classes each time)
arcpy.env.workspace = workspace

# Display Space Time Cube of homicide with the standard deviation of victim's 
# age, fill no-data as 0
# Only display the locations excluded from analysis.
# Process: Visualize Space Time Cube in 2D 
cube = arcpy.VisualizeSpaceTimeCube2D_stpm("", "AGE_STD_ZEROS", 

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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