Add Network Attribute (Utility Network)

This ArcGIS 2.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Adds a network attribute to a utility network.

A network attribute is a value derived from attributes on corresponding features in the network and is stored in the network topology. Network attributes are used by tracing analysis to control how the network can be traversed. While a network attribute can be associated with only one attribute on a feature class, there is no limit to the number of network attributes a single utility network can have. Network attributes are used as weights to control traversability and to model the cost of paths in the network.


  • A network attribute can be associated with only one attribute on a feature class; however, it can be associated with multiple feature classes.

  • When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the connected ArcGIS Enterprise portal account must be the portal utility network owner.

  • The network topology must be disabled.

  • When working with an enterprise geodatabase, this tool must be connected to the default version when executed.

  • When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the Input Utility Network must be from a database connection established as the database utility network owner.

  • This tool can be used with the Set Network Attribute tool, which is used to assign the network attribute to a feature class field in the utility network.

  • The following table lists the network attribute types and their applicable parameters:

    Attribute TypeIn lineApportionableNullableSubstitution


    Check markCheck mark


    Check markCheck markCheck mark

    (Out of line only)


    Check markCheck mark


    Check mark


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Utility Network

The input utility network where the network attribute will be added.

Utility Network; Utility Network Layer
Attribute Name

The name of the network attribute to add to the utility network.

Attribute Type

Specifies the data type of the network attribute.

  • Short (small integer)Short integer type
  • Long (large integer)Long integer type
  • Double (double precision)Double precision type
  • DateDate type
In Line

Specifies whether the network attribute will be persisted in line. In-line network attributes are slightly more efficient, but the number of bits for in-line attributes is limited to 28 per utility network. The most frequently used network attributes (for example, phase for electric networks, pressure for gas and water networks) should be stored in line if possible. The size of the bits is determined by the domain parameter. In-line attributes are only supported for integer network attributes.

  • Checked—The attribute will be added internally to the topology, making retrieval more efficient.
  • Unchecked—The attribute will be stored in an external table, and retrieval will require a call to the external weights table. This is the default.

Specifies whether the network attribute will be apportioned across multiple edges belonging to the same feature.

Network attributes with the apportionable property can be assigned to fields in line or junction feature classes, but only line features will have apportioned behavior.

For example, with the shape_length network attribute, if one line feature consists of five edge elements, and if the total length of that line feature is 100 feet, that attribute will be apportioned across all edges, with 20 feet for each. The distribution of the value depends on the percentage along each edge element with respect to the from point of the original feature.

  • Checked—The network attribute will be apportioned.
  • Unchecked—The network attribute will not be apportioned. This is the default.
Domain Name

The domain with which the network attribute is to be associated. This parameter is required when In Line is checked. This domain is used to determine how many bits to allocate for the in-line attribute and must be a coded value type. For example, the LifeCycleStatusDomain (0, Unknown | 1, In-Service | 2, Proposed | 3, Abandoned) domain has four entries, which means 2 bits are required to store the in-line attribute. The coded value domain must have sequential codes starting from 0.

Is Overridable

This parameter is not used, and any entered value will be ignored in the current release. The functionality of this parameter is under development and will be applicable in a future release.

Specifies whether a network attribute has an external override table that the network topology will read and override (or overwrite) the current value stored in the topology. This can be used to input live data from external systems, such as present position in the case of electric or pressure value in the case of gas. An example is a SCADA system pushing the updated switching positions of Device A to the override table of the DeviceStatus network attribute, which the topology engine then uses to override its current value of device status for Device A with the override value.

  • Checked—The current value stored in the topology will be overridden.
  • Unchecked—The current value stored in the topology will not be overridden. This is the default.

Specifies whether the network attribute will support null values.

  • Checked—The network attribute will support null values.
  • Unchecked—The network attribute will not support null values. This is the default.


Specifies whether the network attribute will be used as a substitution. Substitution network attributes allow a substituted value to be used instead of bitset network attribute values during a propagation in a trace operation.

  • Checked—The network attribute will be used as a substitution.
  • Unchecked—The network attribute will not be used as a substitution. This is the default.

Network Attribute to Substitute

The network attribute to be used for substitution. Substitutions are encoded based on the number of bits in the network attribute being propagated. The network attribute must be in-line and an integer field type less than or equal to 8 bits.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Utility Network

The updated utility network.

Utility Network


Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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