Create a new parameter

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A new parameter can be added to a cost or restriction attribute from their respective Costs or Restrictions tab. Follow the steps below to create a parameter.

  1. Access network attributes from the Network Dataset Properties dialog box.
  2. If you want to create a parameter for a cost attribute, go to the Costs tab and from the list of available cost attributes, select the one for which you want to create a parameter.
  3. If you want to create a parameter for a restriction attribute, go to the Restrictions tab and from the list of available restriction attributes, select the one for which you want to create a parameter.
  4. If required, expand the Parameters section to enter the parameter properties.
  5. Click the blank row to add a new parameter.
  6. Click any cell twice to enable editing.
  7. Enter the name in the Name cell.
  8. Enter the type from the Type drop-down list.
  9. Enter a default value in the Default Value cell.
  10. Click the Travel Modes tab.
  11. If you added a parameter to the cost attribute, go to the Costs section and select the cost attribute. Click the cost attribute under the Cost Parameters section.

    A grid appears with the parameter that was created in the previous steps.

  12. If you added a parameter to the restriction attribute, go to the Restrictions section and select the restriction attribute.

    A grid appears with the parameter that was created for the selected restriction attribute.

  13. Click OK to save the parameter to the network dataset.