Available with Spatial Analyst license.
In the Suitability Modeler, use the Sources tab to see which criteria are transformed and the sources for each. On this tab, you can create web imagery layers from local criteria and change a criterion source. You can also specify whether the input data is stored locally or on servers.
To run the Suitability Modeler locally, on the Suitability or Locate tab use the Raster dataset option in the Output type drop-down list. To perform the processing on servers, use the Web imagery layer option.
When Raster dataset is selected as the output type on the Suitability tab, any criterion listed for Transformed raster dataset criteria or Transformed web imagery layer criteria on the Sources tab will be included in the model. When Web imagery layer is selected as the output type on the Suitability tab, no transformed local raster datasets are allowed in the model and only criteria listed for Transformed web imagery layer criteria will be included in the processing.
On the Locate tab, the input suitability map can be either local data or a web imagery layer. To create the locate output as a web imagery layer, the input suitability map must also be a web imagery layer.
Run suitability and locate on servers
To run the suitability and locate steps of the Suitability Modeler on servers, the input criteria must be web imagery layers. Click the Share as Web imagery layer button on the Sources tab to change criteria whose sources are raster datasets to web imagery layers.
See Create a web imagery layer from a local raster dataset for more information on this process.
Alternatively, if a web imagery layer of the criterion already exists, you can replace the raster dataset with it by selecting the web imagery layer from the drop-down list or by browsing to it using the Browse button
When the criterion source in the model is updated with the web imagery layer, the transformation associated with the criterion is applied, and the suitability map is updated. On the Sources tab, the criterion moves from the Transformed raster dataset criteria list to the Transformed web imagery layer criteria list.
For more information, see Run the Suitability Modeler on servers.
Change a criterion source
On the Sources tab, you can also change a criterion source to a different raster dataset or web imagery layer using the drop-down list or by browsing. If you change a criterion source, the new source should represent the same criterion as the original. That is, if the original criterion and source represent, for example, land use, the new source should also represent land use. Do not change the source to a source that represents a different criterion.
Checks on the new source
Checks are performed on the new source, and warnings or error messages are generated if certain conditions occur. Checks include the following:
- No overlap between the new source with other model criteria
- Different value ranges
- Different value types
You cannot change a criterion source to another source if the extent of the new source has no overlap with the other model criteria.
If the source is changed to another existing raster dataset or web imagery layer, the following occur:
- The criterion source in the model is updated.
- The transformation associated with the criterion is applied.
- The suitability map is updated.
- If the Save transformed dataset when model is run check box is checked in the Transformation pane, the dataset is re-created when the suitability model is run locally at full resolution
If a local raster dataset source is changed to a web imagery layer, the criterion moves from the Transformed raster dataset criteria list to the Transformed web imagery layer criteria list on the Sources tab.
Include untransformed criteria
Criteria in the Criteria not transformed list are not included in the model whether running in ArcGIS Pro locally or on servers. To include those criteria in the model, transform them on the Suitability tab. The criteria must be web imagery services to include them when running the model on servers.