CAD data file properties

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When browsing for CAD data in the catalog view or Catalog pane, you can view properties for these data files that can give you insight into the contents, completeness of the spatial reference information, and successfully geolocating CAD data when the geopositioning information is incomplete.

The CAD file properties are displayed by selecting the Properties option from the context menu for a file item in the Catalog pane. Multiple options display the various property categories.

Properties option on the context menu in the Catalog pane

These file properties include information about the design file contents such as the names of AutoCAD layers or MicroStation levels and the visibility state of those levels and whether an AutoCAD drawing was created with Civil 3D, or standard AutoCAD functionality. Information regarding the file's relationship to other files can be assessed by reviewing the list of external reference files in the External Reference option. These factors can help you anticipate whether a file you add to ArcGIS Pro will include all the information you expect, or if that information may be contained in an externally referenced file, or if you need to override the default visibility of a CAD layer.


The General tab on the File Properties pane displays a thumbnail image of the file's contents if one is available. Expand File Properties to view information specific to the file. Additional expandable file groups are Spatial Reference World File Transformation.

File properties options on the General tab

Click the Open with default application button Open with the default application below the thumbnail to open the file using the application associated with the file extension, if that application exists on your system.


The Source tab is available when the file properties are accessed from a feature class of a CAD file.

Source tab on the Feature Class Properties pane

Layers or Levels

The Layers tab on the File Properties pane includes a list of CAD layers that are included in the .dwg or .dxf file. The information on the Levels tab is also used for .dgn files. The Layers and Level tab includes information regarding the default color of the layer or level, and whether the CAD layer or level visibility is on or off. When a CAD drawing is added to ArcGIS Pro, the visibility state of the drawing's contents is honored.

Layers tab on the File Properties pane

Levels tab on the File Properties pane

You can override the layer and level visibility settings of CAD data that is added as feature layers by modifying the feature layer's definition query after the data is added to a map or scene. To modify the definition query of a CAD feature layer, right-click the context menu of the feature layer in the map or scene table of contents, and click the Definition Query tab on the ArcGIS Layer Properties pane.

Definition Query tab on the Layer Properties pane


The Drawing tab contains parameters from the CAD file and includes information about the version of the file and metadata regarding the origin, author, and last editor of the file if included. One property is the linear units that can be useful in selecting the proper spatial reference for a CAD file. For proper data scaling, the linear units of the drawing and the spatial reference must match.

Drawing tab on the File Properties pane

External Reference

The External Reference tab displays a list of drawings that are linked to the file using the authoring software.

External Reference tab on the File Properties pane

These externally linked files are not automatically included in ArcGIS Pro when the data is added as features to a map or scene. The list is included for your reference and to better understand the data in its original context. If the file types of the listed files are supported and accessible, you can add the files to ArcGIS Pro separately.

Validate Position

The Validate Position tab displays the status of the CAD file's position information. Various status messages are displayed to alert you to missing information, and report possible issues. Action buttons are available to guide you in the mitigation of an error or warning.

Validate Position tab in the File Properties pane

Status messages

Status messages are generated to report the assigned coordinate system (.prj file), and any coordinate transformation world file (.wld3 file). A validation process is conducted based on the defined area of use of the assigned coordinate system and the coordinates of the data in the CAD file. This area of use is the geographic area where the coordinate system is the most accurate. Although the coordinate system can be used for data where the coordinates of the data are outside this area, it is not recommended. Data that falls outside this area of use may indicate that the coordinates of the data need to be transformed with a world file, or that a more appropriate coordinate system should be assigned.

Assigned coordinate system

The validation process lists the assigned coordinate system of the CAD file.

The undefined coordinate system is automatically generated when no valid .prj file is detected. This default coordinate system allows the data to be drawn in ArcGIS Pro without failing. This coordinate system is never appropriate for the data and should be replaced by an appropriate coordinate system. A projected coordinate system (PCS), where the coordinate system's area of use covers the intended location of the CAD data, is recommended.

If the CAD data was authored using coordinates of a valid coordinate system, the assignment of that coordinate system is all that is needed to properly position CAD data in ArcGIS Pro. An .prj file has the same name as the CAD file with the .prj file extension. For CAD data drawn using coordinates of a projected coordinate system, all that is required is to assign the proper .prj file. Use the Change Coordinate System button to assign or change the coordinate system.

If the assigned coordinate system is a geographic coordinate system (GCS), a warning appears. GCS are uncommon and not recommended for CAD data. This is a warning message; no immediate action is required.

Area of use

A coordinate system's area of use is used in the position validation calculation. The term area of use refers to the suggested geographic extent of the coordinate system. Data should fit within this area. Data that falls outside this geographic area is not recommended. The area of use is compared to the CAD data's coordinates. Data that falls within the area of use means an appropriate coordinate system is used. Data outside the area of use may signal that you should assign a more appropriate coordinate system for the data, or that the data coordinates should be transformed to match the assigned coordinate system by creating a world file.

Suggested location

The suggested location is initially blank when reading a CAD file. You can inspect the various file properties on the Drawing and General tab for address and location information, or if you know the location, click the Suggest Location button to set the suggested location. The suggested location is used to calculate a geographic location based on the selected locator.

The Transform to Suggested Location button creates a.wld3 file from the suggested location point returned from the selected locator. This modified position may require additional adjustment using the georeferencing tools in ArcGIS Pro but provides the means to position the data close to its final intended location.

Action buttons

Action buttons are provided with the various status messages. The buttons can be used to improve the initial placement of a CAD file in ArcGIS Pro.

Change Coordinate System

Use this button to change the assigned coordinate system. This action uses the defined projection interface that allows you to search for and select a coordinate system definition, and saves a .prj file with the appropriate name to the same file folder as the CAD file. You must have read-write access to this folder to save the resulting .prj file.

Suggest Location

The suggested location action requires an open map or scene. The action uses the locator user interface for you to provide an address or place name and select the locator to use to establish a geographic location. The action persists the location information you provide and the point that is found for the duration of the current session. You can use the Transform to Suggested Location button to create a .wld3 file that repositions the CAD drawing to the geographic point returned by this action.

Transform to Suggested Location

This action creates a .wld3 file with the anchor point of the drawing located at the geographic position in the assigned coordinate system returned by the selected locator using the input string of the current suggested location. The initial value of the suggested location is blank for a CAD drawing. You can set the Suggested Location value using the Suggest Location button. The resulting transformation is unlikely to be the actual location of the drawing but is a good starting point for future georeferencing of the CAD data in ArcGIS Pro. If the suggested location is a street address, you will be closer to the final position than if the suggested location was the name of the city. To remove the .wld3 file that is created, delete it from the data file folder.