Complex scenarios for route calibration

Available with Location Referencing license.

The following sections provide examples of calibration on complex routes including loop, branch, lollipop, and alpha routes:

Calibration on a loop route

In the following example, a calibration point is added in the middle of a loop route (RouteX) using a different measure (2.5) than the existing measure (2), but no downstream measures are affected since Recalibrate route downstream is unchecked:

Input for calibration on a loop route

A calibration point is added using the new measure (2.5).

Output for calibration on a loop route

Calibration on a branch route

In the following example, a calibration point is added on a branch route (RouteX) using a different measure (2) than the existing measure (4.5), but no downstream measures are affected since Recalibrate route downstream is unchecked:

Input for calibration on a branch route

A calibration point is added using the updated measure (2). All downstream measures remain the same.

Output for calibration on a branch route

Calibration on a lollipop route

In the following example, an existing calibration point (0) at the beginning of a lollipop route (RouteX) is updated using a new measure (2), but no downstream measures are affected since Recalibrate route downstream is unchecked:

Input for calibration on a lollipop route

The calibration point is updated using the new measure (2). All downstream measures remain the same.

Output for calibration on a lollipop route

Calibration on an alpha route

In the following example, an existing calibration point (2.33) on an alpha route (RouteX) is updated using a new measure (3), but no downstream measures are affected since Recalibrate route downstream is unchecked:

Input for calibration on an alpha route

The calibration point is updated using the new measure (3). All downstream measures remain the same.

Output for calibration on an alpha route