This document allows you to see how S-57 objects correlate to feature classes in the maritime geodatabase. The S-57 objects are in alphabetical order. The table shows the object, its description, the feature class where the object exists as a subtype, the subtype value, and the product for which it is used. If the object is a subtype in more than one feature class, the feature classes are listed in bullets. The subtype value is listed in parentheses next to the feature class. Products are also listed in bullets if there is more than one.
An object acronym in lowercase letters is an IENC or an AML extension to IHO-approved attributes and has been created specifically for that use. The Product column also shows which AML profile the objects belong to.
IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data Publication S-57 Edition 3.1 - November 2000, Appendix A - IHO Object Catalogue Chapters 1 and 2 discusses objects with S-57 attributes.
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
ACHARE | Anchorage Area |
achare | Anchorage area |
| IENC |
ACHBRT | Anchor Berth |
| ENC |
achbrt | Anchor berth |
| IENC |
ADMARE | Administration Area Named | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (10) |
AIRARE | Airport Area |
airres | Airspace Restriction | MilitaryFeaturesA (1) | AML: RAL |
ARCSLN | Archipelagic Sea Lane | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (15) | ENC |
ASLXIS | Archipelagic Sea Lane Axis | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsL (1) | ENC |
atsctl | ATS Route Centerline | MilitaryFeaturesL (1) | AML: RAL |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
bchare | Beach Survey |
| AML: ESB |
bchext | Beach Exit |
| AML: ESB |
bchprf | Beach Profile | SeabedL (1) | AML: ESB |
BCNCAR | Beacon Cardinal | AidsToNavigationP (1) |
BCNISD | Beacon Isolated Danger | AidsToNavigationP (5) |
BCNLAT | Beacon Lateral | AidsToNavigationP (10) |
bcnlat | Beacon lateral | AidsToNavigationP (115) | IENC |
BCNSAW | Beacon Safe Water | AidsToNavigationP (15) |
BCNSPP | Beacon Special Purpose | AidsToNavigationP (20) |
BERTHS | Berth |
| ENC |
Berth | berths |
| IENC |
botmft | Bottom Feature |
| AML: ESB |
BOYCAR | Buoy Cardinal | AidsToNavigationP (25) |
BOYINB | Buoy Installation | AidsToNavigationP (30) |
BOYISD | Buoy Isolated Danger | AidsToNavigationP (35) |
BOYLAT | Buoy Lateral | AidsToNavigationP (40) |
boylat | Buoy, lateral | AidsToNavigationP (120) | IENC |
BOYSAW | Buoy Safe Water | AidsToNavigationP (45) |
BOYSPP | Buoy Special Purpose | AidsToNavigationP (50) |
bprare | Burial Probability Area | SeabedA (10) | AML: ESB |
brgare | Iceberg Area | IceFeaturesA (1) | AML: ESB |
BRIDGE | Bridge |
bridge | Bridge | CulturalFeaturesA (70) | IENC |
btdare | Bottom Tactical Data Area | MilitaryFeaturesA (5) | AML: ESB |
BUAARE | Built Up Area |
BUISGL | Building Single |
bunsta | Bunker station |
| IENC |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
CANALS | Canal |
CAUSWY | Causeway |
| ENC |
CBLARE | Cable Area | OffshoreInstallationsA (1) |
CBLOHD | Cable Overhead | CulturalFeaturesL (5) |
cblohd | Cable, overhead | CulturalFeaturesL (60) | IENC |
CBLSUB | Cable Submarine | OffshoreInstallationsL (1) |
CGUSTA | Coast Guard Station | PortsAndServicesP (5) |
CHKPNT | Check Point |
chkpnt | Checkpoint |
| IENC |
COALNE | Coastline | CoastlineL (1) |
comare | Communication area | TracksAndRoutesA (75) | IENC |
CONVYR | Conveyor |
convyr | Conveyor |
| IENC |
CONZNE | Contiguous Zone | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (5) |
COSARE | Continental Shelf Area | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (25) |
CRANES | Cranes |
cranes | Crane |
| IENC |
ctlasp | Controlled Airspace |
| AML: RAL |
CTNARE | Caution Area |
CTRPNT | Control Point | CulturalFeaturesP (20) |
CTSARE | Cargo Transhipment Area |
| ENC |
CURENT | Current Non-Gravitational | TidesAndVariationsP (1) |
curent | Current, non-gravitational |
| IENC |
CUSZNE | Custom Zone | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (35) | ENC |
C_AGGR | Aggregation | PLTS_COLLECTIONS (1) |
C_ASSO | Association | PLTS_COLLECTIONS (5) |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
DAMCON | Dam |
DAYMAR | Day Mark | AidsToNavigationP (55) |
daymar | Daymark | AidsToNavigationP (125) | IENC |
DEPARE | Depth Area |
depare | Depth area | DepthsA (20) |
DEPCNT | Depth Contour | DepthsL (5) |
DISMAR | Distance Mark | PortsAndServicesP (20) | ENC |
dismar | distance mark | PortsAndServicesP (100) | IENC |
divloc | Diving Location |
| AML: ESB |
DMPGRD | Dumping Ground |
DOCARE | Dock Area | PortsAndServicesA (25) | ENC |
DRGARE | Dredged Area | DepthsA (5) |
drpzne |
Drop Zone |
| AML: ESB |
Dry Dock |
PortsAndServicesA (30) |
DWRTCL | Deep Water Route Centerline | TracksAndRoutesL (1) |
DWRTPT | Deep Water Route Part | TracksAndRoutesA (1) |
DYKCON | Dyke |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
envare | Environmentally Sensitive Area |
| AML: ESB |
excnst | Exceptional navigation structure |
| IENC |
EXEZNE | Exclusive Economic Zone | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (50) |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
FAIRWY | Fairway | TracksAndRoutesA (5) |
FERYRT | Ferry Route |
feryrt | Ferry route | TracksAndRoutesL (50) | IENC |
FLODOC | Floating Dock |
flodoc | Floating dock | PortsAndServicesA (115) | IENC |
FNCLNE | Fence Wall | CulturalFeaturesL (20) |
FOGSIG | Fog Signal | AidsToNavigationP (60) |
FORSTC | Fortified Structure |
FRPARE | Free Port Area | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (55) |
FSHFAC | Fishing Facility |
FSHGRD | Fishing Ground | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (60) |
FSHZNE | Fishery Zone | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (65) |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
Gate |
gatcon | Gate |
| IENC |
GRIDRN | Gridiron |
| ENC |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
histob | Contact History | DangersP (15) | AML: SBO |
HRBARE | Harbour Area Administrative | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (70) |
hrbare | Harbour area (administrative) | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (130) | IENC |
hrbbsn | Harbour basin | PortsAndServicesA (125) | IENC |
HRBFAC | Harbour Facility |
hrbfac | Harbour facility |
| IENC |
HULKES | Hulkes |
hulkes | Hulk | PortsAndServicesA (135) | IENC |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
iceadv | Ice Advisory Area | IceFeaturesA (5) | AML: RAL |
ICEARE | Ice Area | IceFeaturesA (15) |
icebrg | Iceberg |
| AML: ESB |
icelea | Ice Lead |
| AML: ESB |
icelin | Ice Line | IceFeaturesL (5) | AML: ESB |
icemov | Ice Movement |
| AML: ESB |
icepol | Ice Polynya | IceFeaturesA (35) | AML: ESB |
icerte | Ice Route | IceFeaturesL (10) | AML: RAL |
ICNARE | Incineration Area |
| ENC |
imgare | Area of Imagery Coverage | MilitaryFeaturesA (25) | AML: ESB |
intwtr | Internal Waters Area | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (80) | AML: RAL |
iscour | Impact Scour | SeabedP (10) | AML: LBO |
ISTZNE | Inshore Traffic Zone | TracksAndRoutesA (15) |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
LAKARE | Lake | NaturalFeaturesA (1) |
lg_sdm | Maximum permitted ship dimensions | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (135) | IENC |
lg_vsp | Maximum permitted vessel speed | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (140) | IENC |
LIGHTS | Light | AidsToNavigationP (65) |
LITFLT | Light Float | AidsToNavigationP (70) |
LITVES | Light Vessel | AidsToNavigationP (75) |
lkbspt | Lock basin part | PortsAndServicesA (140) | IENC |
LNDARE | Land Area |
LNDELV | Land Elevation |
lndice | Land Ice | IceFeaturesA (40) | AML: ESB |
LNDMRK | Landmark |
lndplc | Landing Place | MilitaryFeaturesP (10) | AML: ESB |
lndpnt | Landing Point | MilitaryFeaturesP (15) | AML: ESB |
LNDRGN | Land Region |
lndste | Landing Site | MilitaryFeaturesA (30) | AML: ESB |
lndstp | Landing Strip | MilitaryFeaturesA (10) | AML: ESB |
lndzne | Landing Zone | MilitaryFeaturesA (35) | AML: ESB |
lndare | Landing Area | MilitaryFeaturesA (40) | AML: ESB |
LOCMAG | Local Magnetic Anomaly |
LOGPON | Log Pond |
| ENC |
LOKBSN | Lock Basin | PortsAndServicesA (65) | ENC |
lokbsn | Lock basin | PortsAndServicesA (145) | IENC |
lsrare | Leisure Activity Area | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (90) | AML: ESB |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
M_ACCY | Accuracy of Data | MetaDataA (1) |
m_clas | Security Classification Information | MetaDataA (5) | AML: CLB, ESB, LBO, MFF, RAL, SBO |
m_conf | Completeness for the product specification | MetaDataA (10) | AML: CLB, ESB, LBO, MFF, RAL, SBO |
M_COVR | Coverage | MetaDataA (15) |
M_CSCL | Compilation Scale of Data | MetaDataA (20) |
M_HOPA | Horizontal Datum Shift Parameters | MetaDataA (25) | ENC |
m_line | Defined Straight Lines | MetaDataL (1) | AML: MFF, RAL |
M_NPUB | Maritime Publication Information |
M_NSYS | Navigational System of Marks | MetaDataA (35) | ENC |
m_nsys | Navigational system of marks | MetaDataA (60) | IENC |
m_prod | Product Information | MetaDataA (70) | AML: CLB, ESB, LBO, MFF, RAL, SBO |
M_QUAL | Quality of Data | MetaDataA (40) |
M_SDAT | Sounding Datum | MetaDataA (45) |
m_sdat | Sounding datum | MetaDataA (65) |
M_SREL | Survey Reliability |
M_VDAT | Vertical Datum of Data | MetaDataA (55) |
m_vdat | Vertical datum | MetaDataA (70) | IENC |
m_vers | Vertical Datum Shift Area | MetaDataP (60) | AML: ESB |
MAGVAR | Magnetic Variation |
MARCUL | Marine Farm Culture |
marman | Marine Management Area | MilitaryFeaturesA (45) | AML: RAL |
mcmare | MCM Area | MilitaryFeaturesA (50) | AML: ESB |
mexasp | Military Exercise Airspace | MilitaryFeaturesA (55) | AML: RAL |
MIPARE | Military Practice Area |
MORFAC | Mooring Warping Facility |
msiare | Maritime Safety Information Area | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (100) | AML: RAL |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
navaid | Navigational Aid | AidsToNavigationP (80) | AML: RAL |
NAVLNE | Navigation Line | TracksAndRoutesL (10) |
NEWOBJ | New Object |
notmrk | Notice mark | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsP (55) | IENC |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
OBSTRN | Obstruction |
OFSPLF | Offshore Platform |
OILBAR | Oil Barrier | DangersL (10) |
OSPARE | Offshore Production Area | OffshoreInstallationsA (10) |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
patare | Patrol Area | MilitaryFeaturesA (65) | AML: RAL |
pfdare | Performance Data Area | MilitaryFeaturesA (70) | AML: ESB |
PILBOP | Pilot Boarding Place |
| ENC |
PILPNT | Pile | PortsAndServicesP (55) |
PIPARE | Pipeline Area |
PIPOHD | Pipeline Overhead | CulturalFeaturesL (35) |
pipohd | Pipeline, overhead | CulturalFeaturesL (70) | IENC |
PIPSOL | Pipeline Submarine On Land |
PONTON | Pontoon |
ponton | Pontoon | PortsAndServicesA (150) | IENC |
PRCARE | Precautionary Area |
PRDARE | Production Storage Area |
prtare | port area | CulturalFeaturesA (80) | IENC |
PYLONS | Pylon Bridge Support |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
qroute | Q-Route Leg | MilitaryFeaturesL (15) | AML: RAL |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
RADLNE | Radar Line | TracksAndRoutesL (15) | ENC |
RADRFL | Radar Reflector | AidsToNavigationP (85) | ENC |
RADRNG | Radar Range | TracksAndRoutesA (25) |
RADSTA | Radar Station | AidsToNavigationP (90) |
RAILWY | Railway | CulturalFeaturesL (40) |
RAPIDS | Rapids |
| ENC |
RCRTCL | Recommended Route Centerline | TracksAndRoutesL (20) | ENC |
RCTLPT | Recommended Traffic Lane Part |
| ENC |
rdoare | Radio Broadcast Area | TracksAndRoutesA (35) | AML: RAL |
RDOCAL | Radio Calling In Point |
rdocal | Radio calling-in point |
| IENC |
RDOSTA | Radio Station | AidsToNavigationP (95) |
RECTRC | Recommended Track |
refdmp | refuse dump | PortsAndServicesP (115) | IENC |
RESARE | Restricted Area | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (105) |
resare | Restricted area | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (145) | IENC |
resloc | Resource Location |
| AML: ESB |
RETRFL | Retro Reflector | AidsToNavigationP (100) | ENC |
RIVERS | River |
rkdare | Risk Data Area | MilitaryFeaturesA (80) | AML: ESB |
ROADWY | Road |
RSCSTA | Rescue Station | PortsAndServicesP (60) |
RTPBCN | Radar Transponder Beacon | AidsToNavigationP (105) |
RUNWAY | Runway |
| ENC |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
SBDARE | Seabed Area |
| ENC |
SEAARE | Sea Area Named Water |
seaice | Sea Ice | IceFeaturesA (45) | AML: ESB |
sedlay | Geological Layer |
| AML: ESB |
seiare | Seismic Activity Area | SeabedA (25) | AML: ESB |
senanm | Sensor Anomaly | DangersP (25) | AML: LBO |
shlloc | Shelter Location | MilitaryFeaturesP (40) | AML: ESB |
SILTNK | Silo Tank |
SISTAT | Signal Station Traffic | PortsAndServicesP (65) | ENC |
sistat | Signal station, traffic | PortsAndServicesP (120) | IENC |
SISTAW | Signal Station Warning | PortsAndServicesP (70) |
sistaw | Signal station, warning | PortsAndServicesP (125) | IENC |
SLCONS | Shoreline Construction |
slcons | Shoreline Construction |
| IENC |
SLOGRD | Sloping Ground |
SLOTOP | Slope Topline | NaturalFeaturesL (20) |
smalbo |
Small Bottom Objects |
DangersP (30) | AML: SBO |
SMCFAC | Small Craft Facility |
SNDWAV | Sand Waves |
| ENC |
SOUNDG | Soundings | SoundingsP (1) |
SPLARE | Sea Plane Landing Area |
| ENC |
SPRING | Spring | SeabedP (30) | ENC |
STSLNE | Straight Territorial Sea Baseline | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsL (30) |
SUBTLN | Submarine Transit Lane | TracksAndRoutesA (45) |
SWPARE | Swept Area | DepthsA (10) | ENC |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
T_HMON | Tide Harmonic Prediction |
T_NHMN | Tide Non-Harmonic Prediction |
T_TIMS | Tide Time Series |
TS_FEB | Tidal Stream Flood Ebb |
TS_PAD | Tidal Stream Panel Data |
TS_PNH | Tidal Stream Non-Harmonic Prediction |
TS_PRH | Tidal Stream Harmonic Prediction |
TS_TIS | Tidal Stream Time Series |
termnl | terminal |
| IENC |
TESARE | Territorial Sea Area | RegulatedAreasAndLimitsA (115) |
tfcrte | Traffic Route | TracksAndRoutesL (35) | AML: RAL |
TIDEWY | Tideway |
| ENC |
tisdge | Time Schedule – in general | PLTS_COLLECTIONS (10) | IENC |
TOPMAR | Topmark | AidsToNavigationP (110) |
trfare | Trafficability Area | MilitaryFeaturesA (85) | AML: ESB |
trnbsn | turning basin |
| IENC |
TSELNE | Traffic Separation Line | TracksAndRoutesL (40) |
TSEZNE | Traffic Separation Zone | TracksAndRoutesA (50) |
TSSBND | Traffic Separation Scheme Boundary | TracksAndRoutesL (45) |
TSSCRS | Traffic Separation Scheme Crossing | TracksAndRoutesA (55) |
TSSLPT | Traffic Separation Scheme Lane Part | TracksAndRoutesA (60) |
TSSRON | Traffic Separation Scheme Roundabout | TracksAndRoutesA (65) |
TUNNEL | Tunnel |
turnpt | Turning Point | AidsToNavigationP (115) | AML: RAL |
twlscr | Trawl Scour |
| AML: ESB |
TWRTPT | Two Way Route | TracksAndRoutesA (70) |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
UNSARE | Unsurveyed Area | DepthsA (15) |
UWTROC | Underwater Awash Rock |
uwtroc | Underwater rock/awash rock |
| IENC |
u_defd | User Defined |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
VEGATN | Vegetation |
vehtrf | Vehicle transfer |
| IENC |
viewpt | Viewpoint | MilitaryFeaturesP (45) | AML: ESB, SBO |
S-57 object | Description | Feature class (FCsubtype value) | Product |
WATFAL | Waterfall |
| ENC |
WATTUR | Water Turbulence |
| ENC |
WEDKLP | Weed Kelp |
WRECKS | Wrecks |
wtware | Waterway area | TracksAndRoutesA (85) | IENC |
wtwaxs | waterway axis | TracksAndRoutesL (60) | IENC |
wtwgag | Waterway gauge |
| IENC |
wtwprf | waterway profile | TidesAndVariationsL (20) | IENC |