Validate products with S-58 Error Manager

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Available with Maritime Charting license.

The S-58 Error Manager tool allows you to validate products in your maritime database using the IHO S-58 validation standard. You can validate an entire product, or the current extent of a product.

Validate products

Complete the following steps to validate your products using the S-58 Error Manager tool:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Open a new or an existing project.
  3. If necessary, add maritime data to the Contents pane.

    The Maritime tab appears.

  4. On the Maritime tab, in the S-57 Editing group, click the S-58 Error Manager button S-58 Error Manager.

    The S-58 Error Manager pane appears.

  5. Choose the geodatabase that contains the product.
  6. Optionally, choose a series from the Series drop-down list to filter the product list.

    This is a list of the series available in the chosen geodatabase.

  7. Optionally, click the Product drop-down arrow and choose a different product.

    This is a list of all the products in the chosen geodatabase. By default, the first product in the drop-down list is chosen. If you chose a series in step 6, the list of products is filtered by that series.

  8. Check the Current Extent check box to limit the product list to those visible in the current extent, and also to limit the validated data to the current visible extent.
    If you do not check Current Extent, the entire product will be validated.
  9. Click Run.

    The product or current extent is validated. The results of the validation are displayed in a tree view in the S-58 Error Manager pane.


    Right-click the pane, then click Clear Validation Results. This removes the validation results from the pane.

S-58 error details

Once the validation process completes, S-58 results are displayed in the S-58 Error Manager pane.


The tool honors the ignore list text file located at \Resources\Maritime\S-58IgnoreList.txt.

Results are grouped according to severity: critical, error, and warning. You can also look for specific types of errors that are easily viewed in the pane's tree view, which updates dynamically to show the error number entered in the search. The Remove all primitive and error geometries option allows you to manage and clear the pane's tree view. Show/ Hide Critical Errors, Show/ Hide Errors, and Show/ Hide Warnings add further filters to your search. You can always return the map to the validation extent. The S-58 Error Manager pane goes into more detail by showing the Description, Resolution, and Conformity information if you click a particular error or warning. Expanding an error or warning reveals its related features along with their information, for example, source information including NAME, Feature Class, S-57 Object, and the LNAM, which when clicked flash on the map frame.

Each feature has a context menu attached with the following options:

  • Select Feature
  • Add To Selection
  • Select All Features
  • Zoom To
  • Pan To
  • Zoom to error geometry
  • Pan to error geometry

Each related feature can be chosen and edited using the Attributes pane, which can be accessed through the Select and open Attributes tool. Primitive geometries associated with any specific error can be accessed through the Show/Hide primitive geometry option, while you can zoom to primitive geometry errors through the Zoom to primitive geometry option, whereas error geometries can be viewed through the Show/Hide error geometry option. Keeping track of which errors have been resolved is possible for one or a group of errors through check boxes.


Not all types of errors have associated error geometries or primitive geometries. The S-58 Error Manager tool allows you to identify topology errors. Once you identify them, you can decide which solution to use to fix them.