00236: Layer uses an unsupported elevation setting

This ArcGIS 2.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The elevation setting being used is unsupported. To share the layer, you must use a supported elevation setting. The following elevation settings are supported:

  • 3D point, line, and polygon layers shared as web feature layers
    • On the ground
    • Relative to the ground using Geometry z-values or A field with an Arcade expression.
    • At an absolute height using Geometry z-values or A field with an Arcade expression.
  • 3D point layer shared as a web scene layer
    • On the ground
    • Relative to the ground using Geometry z-values or A field with an Arcade expression.
    • At an absolute height using Geometry z-values or A field with an Arcade expression.

    Arcade expressions are not supported when sharing to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 and earlier.

  • 3D Multipatch layer shared as a web scene layer
    • At an absolute height using Geometry z-values.


  • Export the 3D display properties to be stored as geometry z-values using the Layer 3D to Feature Class tool and change the elevation setting to one of the above supported settings.
  • Optionally, remove the layer if it is not needed.

More information

Scene Viewer can only display the above supported elevation settings.

For more information, see Analyze your GIS resource.