24139: Creating a materialized view or snapshot is recommended for query layer <value>

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You are sharing a query layer or stand-alone table from a cloud data warehouse as a map image layer. The data source option of the layer or stand-alone table is Access data directly, which is only recommended for small datasets. Creating a materialized view or a snapshot is recommended. Materialized views improve query performance, particularly for large datasets. Snapshots can improve drawing performance, are cost effective, and can be refreshed on demand when data changes.

The <value> parameter refers to the layer or stand-alone table name.


Do one of the following:

  • To improve query performance, create a materialized view.

    Hover over the analyzer message. Click the Options button Options that appears and click Show Data Source Option. Under Data Source, ensure that Create a materialized view or access data directly is selected. Click the drop-down menu in the Option column next to the layer or stand-alone table name and select Materialized view. A materialized view containing query results for the service will be created.

  • If continuously updated data is not needed, create a snapshot to improve drawing performance.

    Hover over the analyzer message. Click the Options button Options that appears and click Show Data Source Option. Under Data Source, click Create a snapshot for query layers. A snapshot will be created for all supported query layers of the service and stored in the relational data store on the hosting server.

  • Do nothing. The service will reference the data stored in the database.

Additional information

For more information, see Configure a map image layer and Analyze your GIS resource.