Label | Explanation | Data Type |
Input Polygons | The polygons used to summarize the features, or portions of features, in the input summary layer. | Feature Layer |
Input Summary Features | The point, line, or polygon features that will be summarized for each polygon in the input polygons. | Feature Layer |
Output Feature Class | The output polygon feature class containing the same geometries and attributes as the input polygons with additional new attributes about the number points, length of lines, and area of polygons inside each input polygon and statistics about those features. | Feature Class |
Keep all input polygons (Optional) | Determines if all input polygons or only those intersecting or containing at least one input summary feature will be copied to the output feature class.
| Boolean |
Summary Fields (Optional) | A list of attribute field names from the input summary features, and statistical summary types that you wish to calculate for those attribute fields for all points within each polygon. Summary fields must be numeric. Text and other attribute field types are not supported. Statistic types include:
| Value Table |
Add shape summary attributes (Optional) | Determines if the output feature class will contain attributes for the number of points, length of lines, and area of polygon features summarized in each input polygon.
| Boolean |
Shape Unit
(Optional) | The unit in which to calculate shape summary attributes. If the input summary features are points no shape unit is necessary, since only the count of points within each input polygon is added. If the input summary features are lines, specify a linear unit. If the input summary features are polygons, specify an areal unit.
| String |
Group Field (Optional) | Attribute field from the input summary features that is used for grouping. Features that have the same group field value will be combined and summarized with other features with the same group field value. When you chose a group field, an additional output grouped table will be created and its location must be specified. This output grouped table is required when using a group field. | Field |
Add minority and majority attributes (Optional) | This option is only enabled if you have selected a group field. It allows you to determine which group field value is the minority (least dominant) and the majority (most dominant) within each input polygon.
| Boolean |
Add group percentages (Optional) | This option is only enabled if you have selected a group field. It allows you to determine the percentage of each attribute value within each group.
| Boolean |
Output Grouped Table (Optional) | If a group field is specified, the output grouped table is required. An output table that includes summary fields for each group of summary features for each input polygon. The table will have the following attribute fields:
| Table |
Overlays a polygon layer with another layer to summarize the number of points, length of the lines, or area of the polygons within each polygon, and calculate attribute field statistics about those features within the polygons.
Example scenarios using Summarize Within:
- Given a layer of watershed boundaries and a layer of land-use boundaries by land-use type, calculate total acreage of land-use type for each watershed.
- Given a layer of parcels in a county and a layer of city boundaries, summarize the average value of vacant parcels within each city boundary.
- Given a layer of counties and a layer of roads, summarize the total mileage of roads by road type within each county.

You can think of Summarize Within as taking two layers, the input polygons and the input summary features, and stacking them on top of each other. After stacking these layers, you peer down through the stack and count the number input summary features that fall within the input polygons. Not only can you count the number of features, you can calculate simple statistics about the attributes of the input summary features, such as sum, mean, minimum, maximum, and so on.
The Summarize Within and Summarize Nearby tools are conceptually the same. With the Summarize Within tool you can summarize features within existing polygons, whereas with the Summarize Nearby tool you can generate areas around points, lines, or polygons, and summarize features within those derived areas.
You can create groups by specifying a group field from the input points. For example, if you are summarizing crimes within neighborhood boundaries, you may have an attribute Crime_type with five different crime types. Each unique crime type forms a group, and the statistics you choose will be calculated for each unique value of Crime_type.
arcpy.analysis.SummarizeWithin(in_polygons, in_sum_features, out_feature_class, {keep_all_polygons}, {sum_fields}, {sum_shape}, {shape_unit}, {group_field}, {add_min_maj}, {add_group_percent}, {out_group_table})
Name | Explanation | Data Type |
in_polygons | The polygons used to summarize the features, or portions of features, in the input summary layer. | Feature Layer |
in_sum_features | The point, line, or polygon features that will be summarized for each polygon in the input polygons. | Feature Layer |
out_feature_class | The output polygon feature class containing the same geometries and attributes as the input polygons with additional new attributes about the number points, length of lines, and area of polygons inside each input polygon and statistics about those features. | Feature Class |
keep_all_polygons (Optional) | Determines if all input polygons or only those containing at least one input point will be copied to the output feature class.
| Boolean |
sum_fields [[summary_field, statistic_type],...] (Optional) | A list of attribute field names from the input summary features, and statistical summary types that you wish to calculate for those attribute fields for all points within each polygon. Summary fields must be numeric. Text and other attribute field types are not supported. Statistic types include:
| Value Table |
sum_shape (Optional) | Determines if the output feature class will contain attributes for the number of points, length or lines, and area of polygon features summarized in each input polygon.
| Boolean |
shape_unit (Optional) | The unit in which to calculate shape summary attributes. If the input summary features are points no shape unit is necessary, since only the count of points within each input polygon is added. If the input summary features are lines, specify a linear unit. If the input summary features are polygons, specify an areal unit.
| String |
group_field (Optional) | Attribute field from the input summary features that is used for grouping. Features that have the same group field value will be combined and summarized with other features with the same group field value. When you chose a group field, an additional output grouped table will be created and its location must be specified in the out_grouped_table parameter. | Field |
add_min_maj (Optional) | This option is only enabled if you have selected a group field. It allows you to determine which group field value is the minority (least dominant) and the majority (most dominant) within each input polygon.
| Boolean |
add_group_percent (Optional) | This option is only enabled if you have selected a group field. It allows you to determine the percentage of each attribute value within each group.
| Boolean |
out_group_table (Optional) | If a group field is specified, the output grouped table is required. An output table that includes summary fields for each group of summary features for each input polygon. The table will have the following attribute fields:
| Table |
Code sample
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the SummarizeWithin function.
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = 'C:/data/city.gdb'
arcpy.SummarizeWithin_analysis('neighborhoods', 'crimes', 'neighborhood_crimes')
The following standalone script is an example of how to use the SummarizeWithin function in a scripting environment.
# Description: Use SummarizeWithin to summarize the crimes in each city neighborhood
# import system modules
import arcpy
# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = 'C:/data/city.gdb'
# Set local variables
polys = 'neighborhoods'
points = 'crimes'
outFeatureClass = 'crimes_aggregated'
keepAll = 'KEEP_ALL'
sumFields = [['Damages', 'SUM'], ['VICTIM_AGE', 'MEAN']]
addShapeSum = 'ADD_SHAPE_SUM'
groupField = 'Crime_type'
addMinMaj = 'ADD_MIN_MAJ'
addPercents = 'ADD_PERCENT'
outTable = 'crimes_aggregated_groups'
arcpy.SummarizeWithin_analysis(polys, points, outFeatureClass, keepAll,
sumFields, addShapeSum, '', groupField,
addMinMaj, addPercents, outTable)
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- Advanced: Yes