DEM to Raster (Conversion)

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Converts a digital elevation model (DEM) in a United States Geological Survey (USGS) format to a raster dataset.


This is a deprecated tool. The Copy Raster tool can now be used to convert a DEM file representing raster data to a raster dataset.


  • The majority of DEM files are integer. If a floating-point type DEM is converted with the output data type set to Integer, the values will be truncated; however, it is not easy to identify if a particular DEM file happens to be floating point. To prevent inadvertent loss of floating-point data when it exists, the default output data type of the raster will be floating point. The only cost of this is for integer DEMs, where the resulting floating-point representation of the information will occupy more disk space than needed to represent the information as an integer raster. Subsequently, you can run the output from the DEM to Raster tool through the Int tool so the output will consume less disk space. If the input dataset is known to be an integer type, then the Integer option can be selected instead of the default.

  • DEM to Raster applies the spatial resolution value stored in the DEM. In USGS DEMs, this information is stored in Data Element 14 in Logical Record Type A. The spatial resolution value is used to scale all input DEM elevation values.

  • The output raster will have square cells if the specified format is Esri Grid. If the input DEM has a different sample point spacing in the x and y directions, it will be resampled by bilinear interpolation during the conversion process to a cell size equal to the smaller of the point spacings of the DEM in the x or y.

  • For output to a Grid raster, the projection and units information contained in the DEM header record is transferred to a map projection file in the output grid directory. If the output raster is a different format, the projection information will be transferred to the .aux file.

  • Certain Raster storage environments may apply to this tool.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input USGS DEM file

The input USGS DEM file. The DEM must be standard USGS 7.5 minute, 1 degree, or any other file in the USGS DEM format. The DEM may be in either fixed or variable record-length format.

Output raster

The output raster dataset to be created.

If the output raster will not be saved to a geodatabase, specify .tif for TIFF file format, .CRF for CRF file format, .img for ERDAS IMAGINE file format, or no extension for Esri Grid raster format.

Raster Dataset
Output data type

Data type of the output raster dataset.

  • IntegerAn integer raster dataset will be created.
  • FloatA floating-point raster dataset will be created. This is the default.
Z factor

The number of ground x,y units in one surface z unit.

The z-factor adjusts the units of measure for the z units when they are different from the x,y units of the input surface. The z-values of the input surface are multiplied by the z-factor when calculating the final output surface.

If the x,y units and z units are in the same units of measure, the z-factor is 1. This is the default.

If the x,y units and z units are in different units of measure, the z-factor must be set to the appropriate factor, or the results will be incorrect. For example, if your z units are feet and your x,y units are meters, you would use a z-factor of 0.3048 to convert your z units from feet to meters (1 foot = 0.3048 meter).


Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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