Generate Licensed File Geodatabase (Data Management)

This ArcGIS 2.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Generates a license definition file (.licdef) that defines and restricts the display of contents in a file geodatabase. The contents of the licensed file geodatabase can be viewed by creating a license file (*.sdlic) and installing it with ArcGIS Administrator. The license file is created using the Generate File Geodatabase License tool.


Licensing is not supported for geodatabases created earlier than version 10.1.


  • Licensing is ideally suited to mature datasets that will be shared or licensed under a use agreement and do not require further editing. The output licensed file geodatabase cannot be unlicensed to return it to its original unlicensed format.

  • Once licensed, the output file geodatabase’s contents cannot be displayed in ArcGIS Pro until you create a license file (.sdlic) using the Generate File Geodatabase License tool and install the license file with ArcGIS Administrator.

  • Once licensed, a file geodatabase’s contents cannot be displayed in ArcGIS Pro until you install the license file (.sdlic) using ArcGIS Administrator.

    To install the license file in ArcGIS Administrator, you must do the following:

    1. Install ArcGIS Desktop.
    2. Choose the Data Licenses folder in the ArcGIS Administrator table of contents.
    3. Click Add a license, browse to the license file (.sdlic), and click Open.
    4. Click Yes to install the license.

  • You cannot license individual feature classes or tables to produce a mixed state where some feature classes or tables are licensed and others are not. However, a licensed file geodatabase allows you to add an unlicensed feature class or table through operations such as creating a new, empty feature class, copying and pasting, or importing a feature class.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input File Geodatabase

The unlicensed file geodatabase to make licensed.

Output Licensed File Geodatabase

The name of and location to create the licensed file geodatabase.

Output License Definition File

The license definition file.

File, out_fgdb, out_lic_def)
NameExplanationData Type

The unlicensed file geodatabase to make licensed.


The name of and location to create the licensed file geodatabase.


The license definition file.


Code sample

GenerateLicensedFgdb example 1 (Python window)

The following example demonstrates how to use the GenerateLicensedFgdb function in the Python window.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data/"
arcpy.GenerateLicensedFgdb_management("london.gdb","london_lic.gdb", "london.licdef")
GenerateLicensedFgdb example 2 (stand-alone Python script)

The following example demonstrates how to use the GenerateLicensedFgdb function in a stand-alone Python script.

# Name:
# Description: Use the GenerateLicensedFgdb tool to license a file geodatabase

# import system modules
import arcpy
import os

# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data"

# Set local variables
geodatabase = "london.gdb"
out_geodatabase = "london_lic.gdb"
licdef = "london.licdef"

# Process: Restrict the data
arcpy.GenerateLicensedFgdb_management(geodatabase, out_geodatabase, licdef)


Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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