An overview of the Distance and Direction toolset

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The Distance and Direction toolset contains tools that are used to determine a range from a given point or set of points. These tools create a set of concentric circles around a point or create a fan to represent ranges.

The toolset provides tools that identify ranges from a location.


Generate Range Fans

Creates range fans originating from a starting point given a horizontal start angle, horizontal end angle, minimum distance, and maximum distance.

Generate Range Fans From Features

Creates range fans with attributes derived from fields in a point feature class or shapefile.

Generate Range Rings

Creates a set of concentric circles from a point, given a number of rings and distance between rings or a minimum and maximum distance from center.

Generate Range Rings From Features

Creates range rings with attributes derived from fields in a point feature class.

Generate Range Rings From Lookup Table

Creates a set of concentric circles from a center based on values stored in a lookup table.

Tools in the Distance and Direction toolset

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