Table to NetCDF (Multidimension)

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Converts a table to a netCDF file.


  • The default variable name is the same as the field name specified in the Fields to Variables (fields_to_variables in Python) parameter.

  • The type of variable is the same as the type of field.

  • The default dimension name is the same as the field name specified in the Fields to Dimensions (fields_to_dimensions in Python) parameter.

  • The size of a dimension is equal to the number of unique values in the respective field.

  • If no field is specified as dimension, then a dimension named RecordID is created in the output netCDF file.

  • String fields cannot be used to create dimensions in the netCDF file.

  • The tool writes variables either as Discrete Sample Geometry (DSG) such as points, or as gridded data following the CF conventionsLink to CF Conventions website, depending on the fields specified in the Fields to Dimensions parameter.

    • If the default, non-geometry type fields are specified in Fields to Dimensions parameter, the tool writes variables as Discrete Sample Geometry (DSG) such as points or trajectory following the CF-convention. Since, these data are not gridded, the variables in the output netCDF file is not suitable for creating a voxel layer.
    • If the geometry type fields such as Shape.X and Shape.Y are specified as coordinate dimensions in Fields to Dimensions parameter, the tool writes variable as regularly spaced gridded data following the CF-convention. Therefore, the variable in the output netCDF file is suitable for creating a voxel layer.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Table

The input table.

Table View
Fields to Variables

The field or fields used to create variables in the netCDF file.

  • Field—A field in the input feature attribute table.
  • Variable—The netCDF variable name
  • Units—The units of the data represented by the field
Value Table
Output netCDF File

The output netCDF file. The file name must have an .nc extension.

Fields to Dimensions

The field or fields used to create dimensions in the netCDF file.

  • Field—A field in the input table.
  • Dimension—The netCDF dimension name
  • Units—The units of the data represented by the field
Value Table

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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