An overview of the Analysis toolset

This ArcGIS 2.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The Analysis toolset contains tools used to perform analysis when using the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension. The toolset contains a variety of tools, including tools to create a network analysis layer and set its analysis properties for each solver provided with Network Analyst, tools to add network analysis objects to one or more network analysis classes, a tool to solve an analysis, and a tool to generate driving directions.


Add Field To Analysis Layer

Adds a field to a sublayer of a network analysis layer.

Add Locations

Adds input features or records to a network analysis layer. The inputs are added to specific sublayers such as stops and barriers.

Add Vehicle Routing Problem Breaks

Creates breaks in a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) layer.

Add Vehicle Routing Problem Routes

Creates routes in a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) layer. This tool will append rows to the Routes sublayer and can add rows with specific settings while creating a unique name field.

Calculate Locations

Locates input features on a network and adds fields describing these network locations to the input features. The tool is used to store the network location information as feature attributes to quickly load the features as inputs for a network analysis.

Copy Traversed Source Features

Creates two feature classes and a table, which together contain information about the edges, junctions, and turns that are traversed while solving a network analysis layer.


Generates turn-by-turn directions from a network analysis layer with routes. The directions can be written to a file in text, XML, or HTML format. If you provide an appropriate stylesheet, the directions can be written to any other file format.

Make Closest Facility Analysis Layer

Makes a closest facility network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A closest facility analysis layer is useful in determining the closest facility or facilities to an incident based on a specified travel mode. The layer can be created using a local network dataset or using a service hosted online or in a portal.

Make Location-Allocation Analysis Layer

Makes a location-allocation network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A location-allocation analysis layer is useful for choosing a given number of facilities from a set of potential locations such that a demand will be allocated to facilities in an optimal and efficient manner. The layer can be created using a local network dataset or using a service hosted online or in a portal.

Make OD Cost Matrix Analysis Layer

Makes an origin destination (OD) cost matrix network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. An OD cost matrix analysis layer is useful for representing a matrix of costs going from a set of origin locations to a set of destination locations. The layer can be created using a local network dataset or a service hosted online or in a portal.

Make Route Analysis Layer

Makes a route network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A route analysis layer is useful for determining the best route between a set of network locations based on a specified network cost. The layer can be created using a local network dataset or a routing service hosted online or in a portal.

Make Service Area Analysis Layer

Makes a service area network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A service area analysis layer is useful in determining the area of accessibility within a given cutoff cost from a facility location. The layer can be created using a local network dataset or using a routing service hosted online or in a portal.

Make Vehicle Routing Problem Analysis Layer

Creates a vehicle routing problem (VRP) network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A VRP analysis layer is useful for optimizing a set of routes using a fleet of vehicles. The layer can be created using a local network dataset or a service hosted online or in a portal.

Share As Route Layers

Shares the results of network analyses as route layer items in a portal. A route layer includes all the information for a particular route such as the stops assigned to the route as well as the travel directions.


Solves the network analysis layer problem based on its network locations and properties.

Tools in the Analysis toolset

The following tools were available in a previous version of ArcGIS Pro but have been deprecated:


Make Closest Facility Layer

Use the Make Closest Facility Analysis Layer tool instead.

Make Location-Allocation Layer

Use the Make Location-Allocation Analysis Layer tool instead.

Make OD Cost Matrix Layer

Use the Make OD Cost Matrix Analysis Layer tool instead.

Make Route Layer

Use the Make Route Analysis Layer tool instead.

Make Service Area Layer

Use the Make Service Area Analysis Layer tool instead.

Solve Vehicle Routing Problem

Use the Make Vehicle Routing Problem Analysis Layer tool and the Vehicle Routing Problem button in the Network Analysis drop-down menu on the Analysis ribbon.

Update Analysis Layer Attribute Parameter

Instead of creating a network analysis layer and using this tool to update its attribute parameters, preconfigure the attribute parameters when you set up the network dataset's travel modes.

Related tools

After performing network analysis using the Solve tool, you can use the results with other geoprocessing tools for further analysis. For example, after finding a five-minute drive-time polygon around a store location using service area analysis, you may want to find the customers of a particular age group that live within this area for mailing marketing materials. This can be done using the Select Data tool to select only the polygons from the service area network analysis layer, the Select Layer By Location tool to find the customers, and the Copy Features tool to create a feature class with the list of customers.

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