An overview of the Configuration toolset

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The Configuration toolset contains tools to create, configure, and manage diagram templates.

The tools are used to do the following:

  • Manage the stages of a network diagram template—Creation, deletion, properties, and diagram layer definition.
  • Add a specific layout to a diagram template—Use the Add <XXX> Layout to add a layout algorithm to the list of automatic algorithms of a template. Every new layout that is added to a template is appended to the end of the list of automatic layouts.
  • Add a specific rule to a diagram template—The Add <XXX> Rule and Add <XXX> Rule By Attribute tools allow you to configure rules that are added to a template rule sequence.


Add Angle Directed Layout

Adds the Angle Directed Layout algorithm to the list of layouts to be automatically chained at the end of the generation of diagrams based on a given template. This tool also presets the Angle Directed Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

Add Collapse Container By Attribute Rule

Adds a diagram rule to the rule sequence specified on a diagram template to automatically collapse all contents related to containers during diagram building. The containers with contents to be collapsed are identified using an SQL query based on their attributes.

Add Collapse Container Rule

Adds a diagram rule that automatically collapses container contents during the building of diagrams based on an existing template. This rule collapses the entire contents of containers in the diagrams.

Add Compression Layout

Adds the Compression Layout algorithm to the layout list of the input diagram template so it automatically executes at the end of diagram buildings. This tool also presets the Compression Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

Add Connectivity Associations Rule

Adds a diagram rule to automatically represent connectivity associations during the building of diagrams based on an existing template. This rule processes connectivity associations in which both the from and to junctions are currently represented in the diagrams.

Add Diagram Feature Capability By Attribute Rule

Adds a diagram rule to a diagram template to assign a particular capability on diagram features currently represented in the diagram. This capability is used by other rules executed later in the rule sequence. The diagram features that will be processed are queried from a network source class or object table by attributes.

Add Diagram Template

Adds a new diagram template to a network. Both a network diagram rule and layout definitions file (.ndbd) and a network diagram layer definition file (.ndld) can be imported.

Add Expand Container By Attribute Rule

Adds a diagram rule to automatically expand container contents during diagram building based on an existing template. The containers to expand are filtered by attributes from a given container source class or object table.

Add Expand Container Rule

Adds a diagram rule that automatically expands container contents during diagram building based on an existing template. This rule expands all of the container contents in the diagrams.

Add Force Directed Layout

Adds the Force Directed Layout algorithm to the list of layouts to be automatically chained at the end of the building of diagrams based on a given template. This tool also presets the Force Directed Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

Add Grid Layout

Adds the Grid Layout algorithm to the list of layouts to be automatically chained at the end of the building of diagrams based on a given template. This tool also presets the Grid Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

Add Linear Dispatch Layout

Adds the Linear Dispatch Layout algorithm to the list of layouts to be automatically chained at the end of the building of diagrams based on a given template. This tool also presets the Linear Dispatch Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

Add Main Ring Layout

Adds the Main Ring Layout algorithm to the list of layouts to be automatically chained at the end of the building of diagrams based on a given template. This tool also presets the Main Ring Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

Add Mainline Tree Layout

Adds the Mainline Tree Layout algorithm to the list of layouts to be automatically chained at the end of the building of diagrams based on a given template. This tool also presets the Mainline Tree Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

Add Partial Overlapping Edges Layout

Adds the Partial Overlapping Edges Layout algorithm to the list of layouts to be automatically chained at the end of the building of diagrams based on a given template. This tool also presets the Partial Overlapping Edges Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

Add Radial Tree Layout

Adds the Radial Tree Layout algorithm to the list of layouts to be automatically chained at the end of the building of diagrams based on a given template. This tool also presets the Radial Tree Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

Add Reduce Edge By Attribute Rule

Adds a diagram rule to automatically reduce diagram edges during diagram building based on an existing template. This rule can be set up to reduce diagram edges by attributes.

Add Reduce Junction By Attribute Rule

Adds a diagram rule to automatically reduce diagram junctions during diagram building based on an existing template. The junctions to reduce are queried from a given network junction source class or object table by attributes according to the number of other junctions to which they are connected.

Add Reduce Junction Rule

Adds a diagram rule to automatically reduce diagram junctions during diagram building based on an existing template. This tool reduces junctions based on several network junction source classes and object tables according to the number of other junctions to which they are connected.

Add Relative Mainline Layout

Adds the Relative Mainline Layout algorithm to the list of layouts to be automatically chained at the end of the building of diagrams based on a given template. This tool also presets the Relative Mainline Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

Add Remove Feature By Attribute Rule

Adds a diagram rule to automatically remove diagram features during diagram building based on an existing template. The features to be removed are queried by attributes from a given network source class or object table. You can also constrain the removal of features based on connectivity.

Add Remove Feature Rule

Adds a diagram rule to automatically remove diagram features during diagram building based on an existing template. This rule removes diagram features based on different network source classes and object tables. You can constrain the removal of features based on connectivity.

Add Reshape Diagram Edges Layout

Adds the Reshape Diagram Edges Layout algorithm to the list of layouts to be automatically chained at the end of the building of diagrams based on a given template. This tool also presets the Reshape Diagram Edges Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

Add Set Root Junction By Attribute Rule

Adds a diagram rule to automatically flag diagram junctions as root junctions during diagram building based on an existing template. This rule specifies root junctions based on a particular junction source class or object table and filters using their attributes.

Add Set Starting Point By Attribute Rule

Adds a diagram rule to a diagram template to set diagram features currently represented in the diagram as starting points for tracing rules. The diagram features are queried from a given network source class or object table and can be filtered by their attributes.

Add Smart Tree Layout

Adds the Smart Tree Layout algorithm to the list of layouts to be automatically chained at the end of the building of diagrams based on a given template. This tool also presets the Smart Tree Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

Add Spatial Dispatch Layout

Adds the Spatial Dispatch Layout algorithm to the list of layouts to be automatically chained at the end of the building of diagrams based on a given template. This tool also presets the Spatial Dispatch Layout algorithm parameters for any diagram based on that template.

Add Spatial Query Rule

Adds a diagram rule that automatically appends new network features to the diagrams based on their location relative to the network features currently represented in the diagram.

Add Start Iteration Rule

Adds a diagram rule to specify the beginning of a rule sequence during diagram building based on an existing template.

Add Stop Iteration Rule

Adds a diagram rule to specify the end of a rule sequence during diagram building based on an existing template.

Add Structural Attachment Rule

Adds a diagram rule to automatically represent structural attachments during diagram building based on an existing template. This rule applies to structural attachment associations in which both the attached network element and the structure element are currently represented in the diagrams.

Add Trace Rule

Adds a diagram rule to automatically execute a trace on a utility network or trace network during the building of diagrams based on an existing template. The resulting traced network features and network objects are used to build the diagram content.

Alter Diagram Template

Alters the properties of a diagram template such as its name, how it handles vertices along input network edges, whether the related diagrams can be stored or extended, the margin between containers and their contents in these diagrams, the removal of its rule and layout, and the reset of the diagram layer definition to default.

Create Diagram Layer Definition

Creates a diagram layer definition for the input diagram template using the settings of the network feature layers in the active map.

Delete Diagram Template

Deletes one or more stored network diagrams, which are optionally filtered by their diagram template names, related to a given network.

Export Diagram Layer Definition

Exports the diagram layer definition currently set up for the input diagram layer into a network diagram layer definition file (.ndld).

Export Diagram Template Definitions

Exports the network diagram rule and layout definitions and the network diagram layer definition to .ndbd and .ndld files, respectively.

Get Diagram Templates Names

Returns the names of all diagram templates related to a network.

Import Diagram Template Definitions

Imports a network diagram rule and layout definitions file (.ndbd), a network diagram layer definition file (.ndld), or both into an existing template.

Tools in the Configuration toolset

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