Extend Diagram (Network Diagram)

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Extends a network diagram one network element level based on network connectivity or traversability or on containment or structural attachment associations.

For example, a diagram with a portion of a pipe network in it may have many open-ended pipes with connected network elements. When running the Extend Diagram tool on this diagram with the By connectivity extension type, any connected elements are appended to the diagram.

Elements can also be obtained based on traversability using the By traversability extension type. In this case, network elements are appended to the diagram if they allow the network commodity to continue through to the next elements. For example, a diagram with a portion of a pipe network in it may have a closed valve at the end of a pipe end. Since a resource travelling this network cannot travel beyond the closed valve, the valve is not returned in the diagram. If this example was based on connectivity instead of traversability, the valve would be returned, as it is connected to the pipe.


Extending diagrams can be locked on the related diagram template. In this case, the Extend Diagram property appears as Disabled for the diagram template under the Diagram Templates section in the Network Diagrams tab in the network Layer Properties dialog box.


If you have an open edit session, you must save your edits prior to running this tool. This ensures that the diagram reflects the latest changes made to the network topology in the database. If you fail to save your edits, the edits will not be reflected in the diagram.

Learn more about extending network diagrams


  • This tool is not supported when working with a database connection to a utility network or trace network in an enterprise geodatabase. You must use either the related published utility network or trace network service, or a utility network or trace network in a file or mobile geodatabase.

  • The input network diagram layer must be from either a utility network or a trace network in a file or mobile geodatabase or a network diagram service.

  • The All Layers mode must be enabled on the input network diagram layer.

  • This tool is typically used for network data control and validation.

  • This tool applies to either the entire content of a network diagram or a part of it (that is, to a subset of selected diagram features). It allows you to fully or partially extend a network diagram one network element level based on network connectivity or traversability or containment or structural attachments.

  • Use this tool to extend a network diagram one network element level when you are working on a small portion of your network. It allows you to check the connectivity on this area and visually control network data quality.

  • Select any structural feature in your diagram and use this tool to extend the diagram one level by attachment. This adds all the network elements that have logical associations with the selected structural element and allows you to visually check the structural attachment associations.

    In the same way, select any feature in your diagram that is expected to be attached to a network structure, and use this tool to extend the diagram one level by attachment. If an attachment with a network structure exists, the structure is added to the diagram.

  • Use this tool to quickly extend a network diagram or a selected portion of a network diagram one level by containment. This adds any network elements that are the contents of network container elements represented in the diagram or in the selected portion of the diagram.

  • Running this tool on subnetwork system diagrams will fail, as they are maintained by the Update Subnetwork tool. These types of diagrams cannot be altered.

  • The Extend Diagram tool fails in the following situations:

    • There are dirty areas on network features initially used to generate the diagram, whether they are visible or aggregated.
    • There are dirty areas on container network features related to network objects initially used to generate the diagram, whether they are visible or aggregated.
    • There are dirty areas on network features processed to extend the diagram.
    • There are dirty areas on container network features related to network objects processed to extend the diagram.
    In these cases, validate the network topology to clear the dirty areas and reexecute the tool.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Network Diagram Layer

The network diagram to extend.

Diagram Layer
Ignore traversability
Extension Type

Specifies how the diagram will be extended.

  • By connectivityExtends the network diagram one network element level based on network connectivity. This is the default.
  • By traversabilityExtends the network diagram one network element level based on network traversability.
  • By attachmentExtends the network diagram one network element level based on structural attachment associations.
  • By containmentExtends the network diagram one network element level based on containment associations.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Network Diagram

The updated network diagram layer.

Diagram Layer


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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