Export Trace Configurations (Trace Network)

This ArcGIS 2.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Exports named trace configurations from a trace network to JSON format (.json file).

This tool can be used in conjunction with the Import Trace Configurations tool.

Learn more about exporting trace configurations


  • The input trace network must be version 2 or later.

  • When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the following apply:
    • The Input Trace Network parameter value must be from a trace network service.


    The Input Trace Network parameter value can be from a database connection established as the database trace network owner when connected as the portal trace network owner or a portal account with the administrator role.

  • The portal trace network owner can view and export any named trace configuration in the trace network. Other users can only view and export the named trace configurations they create.

  • The information in the .json file is stored in the following format:

    		"creator": "<property representing the connected portal account on creation>",
    		"name": "<property  representing the name of the named trace configuration>",
    		"description": "<property representing the description of the named trace configuration>",
    		"traceType": <property representing the trace type>,
    		"configuration": <property representing the collection of trace configuration parameters>,
    		"resultTypes": "[<property representing the types of results to return>]",
    		"tags": "<property representing user provided tags>"

    Example JSON from a trace network using the Export Trace Configurations tool:

    		"creator": "TN_Admin",
    		"name": "Connected trace HUC12",
    		"description": "Connected trace for HUC12",
    		"traceType": 1,
    		"resultTypes": "[{"type":"elements","includeGeometry":false,"includePropagatedValues":false,"networkAttributeNames":[],"diagramTemplateName":"","resultTypeFields":[]},{"type":"aggregatedGeometry","includeGeometry":false,"includePropagatedValues":false,"networkAttributeNames":[],"diagramTemplateName":"","resultTypeFields":[]}]",
      "tags": "connected,nhd,huc12"


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Trace Network

The trace network containing the named trace configuration or configurations to export.

Trace Network; Trace Network Layer
Trace Configuration

The named trace configuration or configurations to export.

Output File (.json)

The output .json file.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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