
This ArcGIS 3.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


The QueryRow object provides access to all the values in a row from the result of the queryJobs method.


The QueryRow object can be accessed from QueryResult by index, field name or iterator.

Code sample

QueryRow example

The following script runs a job query and accesses a query row.

import arcpy

#Establish a connection to a Workflow database
conn = arcpy.wmx.Connect(r'c:\test\Workflow.jtc')

#Run a query for jobs being assigned to current user. The query results are sorted by job name.
result = conn.queryJobs("JOB_NAME,ASSIGNED_TO","JTX_JOBS","Job Name,Assigned To", "ASSIGNED_TO = '[SYS:CUR_LOGIN]'", "JOB_NAME")

#To get total number of records being returned which are assigned to current user.
print("There are %s jobs assigned to me" % str(len(result.rows)))

# Access first row by index 
print ("The first value is %s" % str(result.rows[0]))

# Access first row's job name field by field name
print ("The job name is %s" % result.rows[0]['JOB_NAME'])

# Access first row's fields values by iterator
row = result.rows[0]
for val in row:
    print("Value is %s" % str(val))