Use routing services

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You can access a routing service in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise from ArcGIS Pro, allowing you to perform network analysis. You can reference your network data source from these portals in the same manner as a network dataset that is stored on your machine.

To access a routing service in ArcGIS Online, you need an ArcGIS organizational account with the network analysis privilege, and the services must be connected to ArcGIS Online. If you are licensing ArcGIS Pro through an ArcGIS Online account, you may be signed in to the services already. These services consume credits when they are run.

You can also use ArcGIS Enterprise routing services to solve network analysis problems using the same workflow as either a local network dataset or the ArcGIS Online routing services. Connect to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal from ArcGIS Pro and set your enterprise portal as the network data source. You can use an ArcGIS Enterprise routing services as often as necessary without paying credits for each service.

Learn how to add a portal connection

You can access a routing services hosted in ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online in your analysis by doing one of the following:

  • Click Analysis, click the Network Analysis drop-down menu, and change the network data source to your portal. Once you change the data source, the network analysis tools in the drop-down menu will use the routing services from the selected portal.
  • Use geoprocessing tools to create an analysis layer, add the required input, and run the analysis. Before you create a network analysis layer, ensure that you are connected to the portal where the routing services are hosted and do the following:

    1. Create a network analysis layer and set its analysis properties as necessary. Choose an appropriate portal when selecting the network data source for the analysis layer you are creating.
    2. Use the Add Locations geoprocessing tool to add input features or records to specific sublayers.
    3. Once all the properties are set and input requirements are met, run the Solve geoprocessing tool to solve the analysis.

    You can create a model of the workflow above using ModelBuilder to use at any time.

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