Manage errors

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When working with a utility network, errors are generated to track inconsistencies in the network. Errors are stored in the dirty area and associations table and referenced through the Dirty Areas sublayer and Modify Associations pane.

You can use the Dirty Areas sublayer and Error Inspector pane to identify which dirty areas are associated with errors. Review dirty areas to determine the specific error associated with the network feature.

Modified network features are evaluated when the network topology is validated or enabled. If these modifications violate restrictions or network rules, or create any other invalid situation, errors are produced.

You can view errors through a pop-up using the Explore tool Explore Tool or review them in the Error Inspector pane to perform quality assurance workflows.


Associations found to be in error are displayed in the Modify Associations pane with an orange indicator next to the associated feature or object. A ToolTip displays additional information for the error when you hover over the indicator in the pane.

To learn more, see View errors.

Explore errors using pop-ups

To work with errors in a pop-up, use the Explore tool Explore Tool to select a record in the dirty areas attribute table or a dirty area on the map.

To view error information through a pop-up, either right-click a row in the dirty areas attribute table and click Pop-up Pop-up or use the Explore tool Explore Tool to select a dirty area on the map. You can use the Error(s) field in the pop-up to better understand the error situation.

Manage errors using the Error Inspector pane

The Error Inspector pane provides you with information and tools to understand and address features and objects in the utility network that are in error.

To access the Error Inspector pane, on the Utility Network tab, in the Network Topology group, click Error Inspector Error Inspector. When a utility network layer is present in the selected map, this is used to populate the Source.


The Error Inspector pane is supported with Utility Network Version 4 and higher.

When the Error Inspector pane is opened, the Filter option Map Extent Map Extent is enabled to display only dirty areas with errors in the current extent by default. You can disable the filter to return all dirty areas with errors in your map. You can interact with an error and its associated network features through the Error Inspector table to evaluate and correct error conditions. When you select an error in the Error Inspector table, attributes are displayed on the Details tab for the selected record.

To learn more about error attributes in the pop-up and Error Inspector table, see Understand error attributes.