Visualize errors and sampling results in a map

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Available with Data Reviewer license.

Feature and sampling results can contain geometries that identify the exact locations where features have failed validation. These geometries can be visualized in your map to identify the status and spatial distribution of errors within your data.

The Symbolize tool allows you to display results from the active session that contains geometries (feature results and sampling results) in the active map.

Symbolize feature and sampling results

The Symbolize tool symbolizes feature and sampling results using predefined symbols based on their The life cycle of error results.


Not all feature or sampling results will contain geometry. This includes features that contained an invalid or empty geometry (such as a stand-alone table row) and results stored in sessions that were created with the DO_NOT_STORE_GEOMETRY option enabled.

  1. In the Catalog pane, expand Session Results and open a session.

    For more information, see Access Reviewer error results.

  2. On the Manage Quality tab, in the Results group, click Symbolize Symbolize to display feature results and sampling results in your active map.

    Group layers appear in the active map based on the The life cycle of error results of the results in your session.

    Active map with layers based on life cycle

Modify result symbolization

You can customize the way result polygons are symbolized as well as the transparency for each layer. This allows you to better see line and point symbols that are also part of your results.

  1. On the Manage Quality tab, in the Results group, click the Symbolize drop-down arrow to display symbolization options.
  2. Click the Show Outlines Only check box to display polygon result geometries as outlines only.
  3. Use the Transparency slider to control the opacity of results drawn on the map.