Turn snapping on or off by layer

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In the Contents pane, click the List By Snapping tab List By Snapping to turn snapping on or off for a specific layer. Your current snapping preferences remain unaffected on layers for which snapping is turned on. By default, snapping is turned on when you add a layer to a map.


Turn snapping off to prevent unwanted snapping to features on specific layers, for example when georeferencing, measuring, or tracing features.

  1. On the ribbon, click the View tab. In the Windows group, click Contents Contents.
  2. In the Contents pane, click the List By Snapping tab List By Snapping.

    Contents Snapping tab

  3. Check or uncheck the check box next to the layer name.


    Enable snapping for the layer.


    Disable snapping for the layer

    • Press Ctrl + Shift and click any check box to enable or disable snapping for all layers.
    • Right-click a layer and click Make this the only snappable layer Point to enable snapping for only the layer and disable snapping for all other layers.