Paste Special

This ArcGIS 3.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Paste Special Paste can paste features to a layer that is different than the source layer. You can choose to paste the attribute values in the clipboard to fields that match the designation layer. Choosing a feature template uses Field Mapping settings for matching fields.

Pasting a 2D polygon to a multipatch layer converts it to a multipatch feature. If the clipboard contains more than one geometry type, you can choose the geometry type to paste.


If there is a large amount of information on the clipboard when you exit ArcGIS Pro, you are asked if you want to save the information and be able to paste it later.

Paste to a specified layer

To specify a layer, click the drop-down arrow and choose a layer.

  1. At the top of the map, click the tab to make the map current.
  2. If the features are not copied to the clipboard, do the following:
    1. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab.
    2. In the Selection group, click Select Select and select the features.
    3. In the Clipboard group, click Copy Copy or press Ctrl+C.
  3. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Clipboard group, click Paste Special or press Ctrl+Alt+V.
  4. If the Clipboard contains more than one geometry type, choose the feature type you want to paste.

    Choosing Line and Polygon converts one of the feature types to conform to the destination layer.

  5. Click Template or Layer:

    Paste Special Layer


    Specify the destination layer and attribute values defined by a feature template. If field mapping source and destination layers match the feature template destination layer, the attribute values copied to the feature conform to current field mapping settings.


    Specify the destination layer only.

  6. Click the layer drop-down arrow and choose a layer.
  7. Check or clear Keep source attribute values.


    Copy the feature attribute values from the clipboard to matching fields on the destination layer.


    Overwrite the feature attribute values with the geodatabase default values for the destination layer.


    In this release of ArcGIS Pro, this setting is disabled when pasting annotation features.

  8. Click OK to paste the features to the map.

    By default, the features are copied to the same location at which they were copied.

    • If the Move tool Move is automatically active, use the repositioning tools to move, rotate, or scale the features.
    Reposition toolbar

    To automatically run Move after pasting features from the clipboard, turn on the activate move tool option in Project Options.

  9. Click Finish Finish or press the F2 key.

Paste attributes using field mapping

Specify the layer with a feature template to copy attribute values from the destination layer to the pasted features using the current field mapping settings. If the source and destination layers don’t match, the source geodatabase default values are copied to the new features.

  1. Configure Field Mapping with source and target layers to match the feature template's destination layer.
    1. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab.
    2. In the Tools group, click the Editor Settings dialog box launcher Launcher.
    3. Click Field Mapping and click the Fields tab.
    4. Click the Target and Source drop-down arrows and set them both to the same layer the feature template is referencing.
    5. Click OK.
  2. At the top of the map, click the tab to make the map current.
  3. If the features are not copied to the clipboard, do the following:
    1. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab.
    2. In the Selection group, click Select Select and select the features.
    3. In the Clipboard group, click Copy Copy or press Ctrl+C.
  4. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Clipboard group, click Paste Special or press Ctrl+Alt+V.
  5. If the Clipboard contains more than one geometry type, choose the feature type you want to paste.

    Choosing Line and Polygon converts one of the feature types to conform to the destination layer.

  6. Click Template.

    Paste Special Template

  7. Click the template drop-down arrow and choose a template.
  8. Check Keep source attribute values.
  9. Click OK to paste the features to the map.

    By default, the features are copied to the same location at which they were copied.

    • If the Move tool Move is automatically active, use the repositioning tools to move, rotate, or scale the features.
    Reposition toolbar

    To automatically run Move after pasting features from the clipboard, turn on the activate move tool option in Project Options.

  10. Click Finish Finish or press the F2 key.