Split a feature

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The Split tool Split splits a visible feature into two or more features where you click it, or where a sketched line or the boundary of another feature crosses it. This tool is available in the Modify Features pane.

When you use this tool, consider the following:

  • Splitting z-enabled features adds vertices with interpolated z-values and preserves the angular pitch of the split segments in 3D space.
  • Attribute values from the original feature are copied to the new features. Attributes constrained by attribute domains are determined by the domain split policy defined by the source geodatabase.
  • To split features into COGO lines use the Split Into COGO Lines tool Split Into COGO Lines.

The tabs appearing on the pane are described in the following table:



Split a feature by clicking or drawing a line across the feature.

By Feature

Split selected target features where they intersect selected input features.

Split a line feature

Click the line feature or draw a line across it where you want the feature to be split. Clicking an intersection of two or more lines splits all the clicked lines where they intersect.

  1. In the Contents pane, confirm that the layers can be edited and are visible.

    Confirm that the feature layer you are editing is editable, the coordinate system assigned to the active map is suitable for the type of edits you're performing, and snapping is configured to help you work efficiently and accurately.

  2. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Features group, click Modify Modify Features.
  3. In the Modify Features pane, click Split Split.

    To find the tool, expand Divide, or type Split in the Search text box.

  4. In the tool pane, click the Interactive tab.
    Split Interactive
  5. Check or uncheck Allow splitting without a selection.


    Split all visible and editable features without creating a selection.


    Split only selected features.

  6. If the tool is set to split only selected features, click Select one or more lines or polygons Active Select and select the features you are splitting.

    To change the selection method click the drop-down arrow.

    To remove features from the selection in the pane selection view, right-click a feature and click Unselect Clear Selected, or click Only Select This List By Selection to keep the feature and remove all others from the selection.

  7. To split a line feature by clicking it, click the feature where you want it to be split.

    Clicking an intersection of two or more lines splits all the clicked lines where they intersect.

  8. To split a line feature by drawing a line across it, click and draw the line. By default, the line tool is automatically active.

    To draw a curvilinear line, click an arc segment tool on the construction toolbar.

    Construction toolbar

    To finish the line and split the feature, click Finish Finish, or press F2.

Split a polygon feature

Draw a continuous line that crosses or touches the polygon feature in at least two places using the segment tools on the construction toolbar.

  1. In the Contents pane, confirm that the layers can be edited and are visible.

    Confirm that the feature layer you are editing is editable, the coordinate system assigned to the active map is suitable for the type of edits you're performing, and snapping is configured to help you work efficiently and accurately.

  2. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Features group, click Modify Modify Features.
  3. In the Modify Features pane, click Split Split.

    To find the tool, expand Divide, or type Split in the Search text box.

  4. In the tool pane, click the Interactive tab.
    Split Interactive
  5. Check or uncheck Allow splitting without a selection.


    Split all visible and editable features without creating a selection.


    Split only selected features.

  6. If the tool is set to split only selected features, click Select one or more lines or polygons Active Select and select the features you are splitting.

    To change the selection method click the drop-down arrow.

    To remove features from the selection in the pane selection view, right-click a feature and click Unselect Clear Selected, or click Only Select This List By Selection to keep the feature and remove all others from the selection.

  7. Draw a continuous line that crosses or touches the feature in at least two places. By default, the line tool is automatically active.

    To draw a curvilinear line, click an arc segment tool on the construction toolbar.

    Construction toolbar

    To finish the line and split the feature, click Finish Finish, or press F2.

Split features with other features

Use the selection tabs to organize your input and target selections. Selected features highlight with hatched lines. To move features between the input and target tabs, right-click the feature in the tab view and click the command.


If the selection set exceeds 100 features, hatched highlighting is suppressed and not displayed.

  1. In the Contents pane, confirm that the layers can be edited and are visible.

    Confirm that the feature layer you are editing is editable, the coordinate system assigned to the active map is suitable for the type of edits you're performing, and snapping is configured to help you work efficiently and accurately.

  2. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Features group, click Modify Modify Features.
  3. In the Modify Features pane, click Split Split.

    To find the tool, expand Divide, or type Split in the Search text box.

  4. In the tool pane, click the By Feature tab.
    Split By Feature
  5. Click the Input Features tab, click the Select tool Active Select, and select the input cutting features.
  6. Click the Target Features tab, click the Select tool Active Select, and select the target features to be split.
  7. If you need to refine a selection in one of the tabs, click the tab and use one or more of the following methods:
    • To reduce a selection to a single feature, double-click the feature you want to keep or right-click it and click Only Select This List By Selection.
    • To remove a feature from a selection, right-click it and click Unselect Clear Selected.
    • To move a feature from the Input Features tab to the target selection, right-click it and click Move to Target.
      Move to Target
    • To move a feature from the Target Features tab to the input selection, right-click it and click Move to Input.
      Move to Input
    • If one tab contains a selection, you can click the Select all intersecting features tool List By Selection in the other tab to select all intersecting features on multiple layers.
  8. Click Split.