// Get a NetworkAttribute object for the Phases Normal attribute from the UtilityNetworkDefinition using (NetworkAttribute normalPhaseAttribute = utilityNetworkDefinition.GetNetworkAttribute("Phases Normal")) { // Create a propagator to propagate the Phases Normal attribute downstream from the source, using a Bitwise And function // Allow traversal to continue as long as the Phases Normal value includes any of the ABC phases // (represented by the constant ABCPhase) Propagator phasePropagator = new Propagator(normalPhaseAttribute, PropagatorFunction.BitwiseAnd, Operator.IncludesAny, ABCPhase); // Assign this propagator to our trace configuration traceConfiguration.Propagators = new List<Propagator>() { phasePropagator }; }
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1