public enum PortalItemType : System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
Public Enum PortalItemType Inherits System.Enum Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
Member | Description |
AppBuilderExtension | AppBuilder Extension for Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. URL that references custom widgets for use in Web AppBuilder apps within Portal. |
AppBuilderWidgetPackage | AppBuilder Widget Package for Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. Custom widget in a zip file that can be downloaded for use in Web AppBuilder Developer Edition or Portal for ArcGIS 10.5.1 or above. |
Application | A custom application. |
ArcGISProAddIn | Pro Add In (esriaddinx). |
ArcGISProConfiguration | An ArcGIS Pro Configuration. |
ArcPadPackage | ArcPad Package (zip). |
BasemapPackage | Basemap Package. |
BigDataFileShare | Big Data File Share. |
CADDrawing | A Computer-Aided Design drawing comprised of a single file. |
CityEngineWebScene | A city engine web scene. |
CodeAttachment | The sample code associated with an application whose purpose is code sample. |
CodeSample | A code sample. |
ColorSet | A color set. |
CompactTilePackage | Compact Tile Package (tpkx). |
CSV | A text file of data values separated by commas or other delimiters. Can be published as a feature service using the Portal API Publish call. |
CSVCollection | Comma-separated values (CSV) collection (.zip). |
Dashboard | Dashboards integrate maps, lists, charts, and gauges that help monitoring and managing daily operations. |
DesktopAddIn | ArcGIS Add-In (esriaddin). |
DesktopApplication | Desktop Application (zip). |
DesktopApplicationTemplate | The Desktop Application Template (zip) includes either a desktop add in or a toolbar.exe. |
DesktopStyle | ArcGIS Pro Style file (stylx). |
DocumentLink | Link to a web resource. |
ExplorerAddIn | ArcGIS Explorer Layer (eaz). |
ExplorerLayer | ArcGIS Explorer Layer (nmc). |
ExplorerMap | ArcGIS Explorer Document (nmf). |
FeatureCollection | A feature collection is a saved web map feature layer with layer definition (types, symbols, fields, and so on) and a feature set (the actual features). |
FeatureCollectionTemplate | A feature collection that includes the layer definition component. |
FeatureService | A feature service. |
FileGeodatabase | File Geodatabase. |
Form | Form authored using Survey123. |
GeocodingService | ArcGIS Server Geocoding Service. The URL to the service is stored in the ServiceUrl property of the item. |
GeodataService | ArcGIS Server Geodata Service. The URL to the service is stored in the ServiceUrl property of the item. |
GeometryService | ArcGIS Server Geometry Service. |
GeoprocessingPackage | ArcGIS Geoprocessing Package (gpk). |
GeoprocessingPackageProVersion | ArcGIS Pro Geoprocessing Package (gpkx). |
GeoprocessingSample | Geoprocessing Sample. |
GeoprocessingService | ArcGIS Server Geoprocessing Service. |
GlobeDocument | ArcGlobe Document (3dd). |
GlobeService | ArcGIS Server Globe Service. |
HubInitiative | Initiatives organize data and tools with an organization goal. |
HubPage | Hub pages provide web site pages to market Hub Initiatives and provide chart and app content. |
HubSiteApplication | A customizable website that provides a focused view of an organization's items. |
Image | Image Types (.jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .tiff, .png). |
ImageCollection | A portable file that contains one or more images that can be published as an image service for imagery visualization and analysis. |
ImageService | An image service. |
InsightsModel | Insights model records analysis steps on an insights pages, including adding and joining datasets, spatial analysis, data analytics and styling. |
InsightsPage | Insights Page resides in Insights Workbook, used to connect the data and analyze related content and themes with interactive visualization. |
InsightsWorkbook | Insights Workbook collects or associates all data and analytical activity for a project, capturing and maintaining relationships such as data locations and storing result layers, models, pages and cards. |
IWorkKeynote | iWork Keynote file (.key). |
IWorkNumbers | iWork Numbers file (.numbers). |
IWorkPages | iWork Pages file (.pages). |
KML | KML Network Link or KML file. |
KMLCollection | A zip file containing a collection of KML/KMZ files. |
Layer | Layer File (lyr) or ArcGIS Pro layer file (lyrx). |
LayerPackage | Layer Package (lpk). |
Layout | ArcGIS Pro Layout File (pagx). |
LocatorPackage | ArcGIS Locator Package (gcpk). |
MapArea | A map area defining a preplanned offline map. |
MapDocument | ArcMap Document (mxd). |
MapPackage | ArcGIS Map Package (mpk). |
MapService | A map service. |
MapTemplate | The Map Template (.zip) contains documentation, a map, and GDB folder. |
MicrosoftExcel | Microsoft Excel Document (.xls, .xlsx). |
MicrosoftPowerpoint | Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptx). |
MicrosoftWord | Microsoft Word Document (.doc, .docx). |
MobileApplication | A mobile application. |
MobileBasemapPackage | ArcGIS Mobile Basemap Package (.bpk). |
MobileMapPackage | ArcGIS Mobile Map Package (mmpk). |
NativeApplication | Native Application for AppStudio for ArcGIS. |
NativeApplicationInstaller | Native Application Installer for AppStudio for ArcGIS. |
NativeApplicationTemplate | Native Application Template for AppStudio for ArcGIS. |
NetCDF | Self-describing, portable and scalable file format for storing multidimensional scientific data usable by GeoAnalytics tools. |
NetworkAnalysisService | ArcGIS Server Network Analyst Service. |
OperationsDashboardAddIn | ArcGIS Operations Dashboard Add In (opdashboardaddin). |
OperationsDashboardExtension | ArcGIS Operations Dashboard Extension. |
OperationView | An operation view. |
Portable Document Format (.pdf). | |
ProjectPackage | ArcGIS Project Package (ppkx). |
ProjectTemplate | ArcGIS Project Template (aptx). |
ProMap | ArcGIS Pro map file (mapx). |
PublishedMap | ArcReader Document (pmf). |
RasterFunctionTemplate | ArcGIS Pro raster function template. |
RelationalDatabaseConnection | ArcGIS server relational catalog service. |
ReportTemplate | Report template used by the geoenrichment service and Business Analyst applications to generate custom reports. |
RulePackage | ArcGIS Rule Package (lpk). |
SceneDocument | ArcScene Document (sxd). |
ScenePackage | Scene Layer Package (spk or slpk). |
SceneService | Cached web layers that are optimized for displaying a large amount of 2D or 3D features. |
ServiceDefinition | A Service Definition that can be published to create a geo spatial web service using the Portal API Publish call. |
ShapeFile | A shape file. |
SQLiteGeodatabase | A runtime sqlite geodatabase. |
StatisticalDataCollection | Data collection used by the geoenrichment service and Business Analyst applications to perform data aggregation with statistical feature data. |
StreamService | Streaming feature layer from an ArcGIS GeoEvent Server stream service. |
SuitabilityModelTemplate | ArcGIS Pro suitability model template. |
SymbolSet | A symbol set. |
TaskFile | ArcGIS Task File (esriTasks). |
TilePackage | Tile Package (tpk). |
VectorTilePackage | Vector Tile Package (.vtpk). |
VectorTileService | A Vector Tile Service. |
VisioDocument | Visio Document (.vsd). |
Vr360Experience | A 360-degrees virtual reality experience that lets you explore a set of connected geo-located panoramic 3D visualizations or photos. |
WebMap | A Web map. |
WebMappingApplication | A web mapping application. |
WebScene | Web scene. |
WFS | OGC Web Feature Service. |
WindowsMobilePackage | A windows mobile package. |
WMS | OGC Web Map Service. |
WMTS | A WMTS Service. |
WorkflowManagerPackage | Workflow Manager Package (wpk). |
WorkflowManagerService | ArcGIS Server Workflow Manager Service. |
WorkforceProject | Workforce Project. |
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1