Represents an item (a unit of content) in the portal.
An item may have associated binary or textual data which is available via
the GetDataAsync() method.
Create A PortalItem
// Creates an Item from an existing portal item base on its ID
string portalItemID = "9801f878ff4a22738dff3f039c43e395";
Item portalItem = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(portalItemID, ItemFactory.ItemType.PortalItem);
Create A PortalFolder
// Creates an Item from an existing portal folder base on its ID
string portalFolderID = "39c43e39f878f4a2279838dfff3f0015";
Item portalFolder = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(portalFolderID, ItemFactory.ItemType.PortalFolderItem);
Get Folder Item Content from Project PortalItem
var folderConnectionContent = projectfolderConnection.GetItems();
var folder = folderConnectionContent.FirstOrDefault(folderItem => folderItem.Name.Equals("Tourist Sites"));
var folderContents = folder.GetItems();
Get Basemaps
//Basemaps stored locally in the project. This is usually an empty collection
string localBasemapTypeID = "cim_map_basemap";
var localBasemaps = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var mapContainer = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer("Map");
return mapContainer.GetItems().Where(i => i.TypeID == localBasemapTypeID).ToList();
//portal basemaps. If there is no current active portal, the usual default
//is arcgis online
var portal = ArcGISPortalManager.Current.GetActivePortal();
var portalBaseMaps = await portal.GetBasemapsAsync();
//use one of them...local or portal...
//var map = MapView.Active.Map;
//QueuedTask.Run(() => map?.SetBasemapLayers(portalBaseMaps[0]));
Portal: Get the user content for the active user from the active portal
var portal = ArcGISPortalManager.Current.GetActivePortal();
var owner = portal.GetSignOnUsername();
var userContent = await portal.GetUserContentAsync(owner);
//Get content for a specific folder (identified by its folder id)
//var userContent = await portal.GetUserContentAsync(owner, folderId);
//Get all the folders
foreach (var pf in userContent.PortalFolders)
//Do something with the folders
//Get all the content items
foreach (var pi in userContent.PortalItems)
//Do something with the portal items
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1
ArcGIS Pro version: 2.1 or higher.