ArcGIS Pro 3.0 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping Namespace / FilterDefinition Class / Description Property

Description Property (FilterDefinition)
Gets or sets the filter description.
public string Description {get; set;}
Modify BuildingSceneLayer Filter Name and Description
//Must be called on the MCT
//var bsl = ...;
//var filter1 = bsl.GetFilter(filterID1);

filter1.Name = "Updated Filter Name";
filter1.Description = "Updated Filter description";
//At 2.x - bsl.SetFilter(filter1);
Create a Filter using Building Level and Category
//Must be called on the MCT

//refer to "Query Building Scene Layer for available Types and Values"
//var bsl = ...;
//At 2.x
//var dict = bsl.QueryAvailableFieldsAndValues();

//var dict = bsl.GetAvailableFieldsAndValues();
//var categories = dict.SingleOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "Category").Value;
//var floors = dict.SingleOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "BldgLevel").Value;

//Make a new filter definition
var fd = new FilterDefinition()
  Name = "Floor and Category Filter",
  Description = "Example filter",
//Set up the values for the filter
var filtervals = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
filtervals.Add("BldgLevel", new List<string>() { floors[0] });
var category_vals = categories.Where(v => v == "Walls" || v == "Stairs").ToList() ?? new List<string>();
if (category_vals.Count() > 0)
  filtervals.Add("Category", category_vals);
//Create a solid block (other option is "Wireframe")
var fdef = new FilterBlockDefinition()
  FilterBlockMode = Object3DRenderingMode.None,
  Title = "Solid Filter",
  SelectedValues = filtervals//Floor and Category
//Apply the block
fd.FilterBlockDefinitions = new List<FilterBlockDefinition>() { fdef };
//Add the filter definition to the layer
//At 2.x - bsl.SetFilter(fd);
//Set it active. The ID is auto-generated

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1

ArcGIS Pro version: 2.4 or higher.
See Also