ArcGIS Pro 3.0 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping Namespace / MapTool Class / AddOverlay Method / AddOverlay(Layer,Int64,CIMSymbolReference,Double) Method
The layer containing the feature.
The ObjectID for the feature.
The symbol to use for the overlay.
Map reference scale or -1

In This Topic
    AddOverlay(Layer,Int64,CIMSymbolReference,Double) Method
    In This Topic
    Add an overlay graphic for a feature on the map view.
    Protected Overloads Function AddOverlay( _
       ByVal layer As Layer, _
       ByVal oid As Long, _
       Optional ByVal symbol As CIMSymbolReference, _
       Optional ByVal referenceScale As Double _
    ) As IDisposable


    The layer containing the feature.
    The ObjectID for the feature.
    The symbol to use for the overlay.
    Map reference scale or -1

    Return Value

    An object that when disposed will remove the overlay.
    When the tool is deactivated all overlay graphics will be removed.When the referenceScale is not equal to -1, the overlay will be created in real world units relative to the provided map reference scale (referenceScale). Otherwise, the overlay will be created in units of points.

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1

    See Also