ArcGIS Pro 3.0 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Events Namespace / BeforeSketchCompletedEventArgs Class / Sketch Property

In This Topic
    Sketch Property (BeforeSketchCompletedEventArgs)
    In This Topic
    The current sketch geometry.
    public Geometry Sketch {get;}
    Public ReadOnly Property Sketch As Geometry
    If there are multiple listeners to the BeforeSketchCompletedEvent, each gets the latest modified sketch geometry from the previous.
    Listen to the before sketch completed event and modify the sketch
    // BeforeSketchCompleted event is fired by 
    //  - COTS construction tools (except annotation, dimension geometry types), 
    //  - Edit Vertices, Reshape, Align Features
    //  - 3rd party tools with FireSketchEvents = true
    //Subscribe to the before sketch completed event
    private Task OnBeforeSketchCompleted(BeforeSketchCompletedEventArgs args)
      //assign sketch Z values from default surface and set the sketch geometry
      var modifiedSketch = args.MapView.Map.GetZsFromSurfaceAsync(args.Sketch).Result;
      return Task.CompletedTask;

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1

    See Also