ArcGIS Pro 3.0 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Catalog.BimCloudConnections Namespace / BimCloudFileItem Class / DownloadItem Method
The directory to which this item will be downloaded

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    DownloadItem Method
    In This Topic
    Download this item to the specified directory. The directory must already exist. If a file of the same name already exists in the directory, it will be overwritten.
    public abstract Item DownloadItem( 
       string directoryPath
    Public MustOverride Function DownloadItem( _
       ByVal directoryPath As String _
    ) As Item


    The directory to which this item will be downloaded

    Return Value

    Returns an ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Item of the downloaded item if download succeeded. Returns null if the download failed

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1

    See Also