ArcGIS Pro 3.0 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry Namespace / TextureCompressionType Enumeration
Example Example

In This Topic
    TextureCompressionType Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Describes the compression type of the material texture.
    public enum TextureCompressionType : System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable  
    Public Enum TextureCompressionType 
       Inherits System.Enum
       Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable 
    CompressionJPEG The texture is compressed as a JPEG image.
    CompressionNone The texture is not compressed.
    If the texture is compressed, then it is compressed as a JPEG image.
    Multipatch Properties
    // standard geometry properties
    bool hasZ = multipatch.HasZ;
    bool hasM = multipatch.HasM;
    bool hasID = multipatch.HasID;
    bool isEmpty = multipatch.IsEmpty;
    var sr = multipatch.SpatialReference;
    // number of patches (parts)
    int patchCount = multiPatch.PartCount;
    // number of points
    int pointCount = multiPatch.PointCount;
    // retrieve the points as MapPoints
    ReadOnlyPointCollection points = multipatch.Points;
    // or as 3D Coordinates
    IReadOnlyList<Coordinate3D> coordinates = multipatch.Copy3DCoordinatesToList();
    // multipatch materials
    bool hasMaterials = multiPatch.HasMaterials;
    int materialCount = multiPatch.MaterialCount;
    // multipatch textures
    bool hasTextures = multiPatch.HasTextures;
    int textureVertexCount = multiPatch.TextureVertexCount;
    // normals
    bool hasNormals = multiPatch.HasNormals;
    // properties for an individual patch (if multipatch.PartCount > 0)
    int patchPriority = multiPatch.GetPatchPriority(patchIndex);
    PatchType patchType = multiPatch.GetPatchType(patchIndex);
    // patch points
    int patchPointCount = multiPatch.GetPatchPointCount(patchIndex);
    int pointStartIndex = multiPatch.GetPatchStartPointIndex(patchIndex);
    // the patch Points are then the points in multipatch.Points from pointStartIndex to pointStartIndex + patchPointCount 
    // if the multipatch has materials 
    if (hasMaterials)
      // does the patch have a material?  
      //   materialIndex = -1 if the patch does not have a material; 
      //   0 <= materialIndex < materialCount if the patch does have materials
      int materialIndex = multipatch.GetPatchMaterialIndex(patchIndex);
      // properties for an individual material (if multipatch.MaterialCount > 0)
      var color = multipatch.GetMaterialColor(materialIndex);
      var edgeColor = multipatch.GetMaterialEdgeColor(materialIndex);
      var edgeWidth = multipatch.GetMaterialEdgeWidth(materialIndex);
      var shiness = multipatch.GetMaterialShininess(materialIndex);
      var percent = multipatch.GetMaterialTransparencyPercent(materialIndex);
      var cullBackFace = multipatch.IsMaterialCullBackFace(materialIndex);
      // texture properties
      bool isTextured = multipatch.IsMaterialTextured(materialIndex);
      if (isTextured)
        int columnCount = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureColumnCount(materialIndex);
        int rowCount = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureRowCount(materialIndex);
        int bpp = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureBytesPerPixel(materialIndex);
        TextureCompressionType compressionType = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureCompressionType(materialIndex);
        var texture = multipatch.GetMaterialTexture(materialIndex);
    // texture coordinates (if multipatch.HasTextures = true)
    if (hasTextures)
      int numPatchTexturePoints = multiPatch.GetPatchTextureVertexCount(patchIndex);
      var coordinate2D = multiPatch.GetPatchTextureCoordinate(patchIndex, 0);
      ICollection<Coordinate2D> textureCoordinates = new List<Coordinate2D>(numPatchTexturePoints);
      multiPatch.GetPatchTextureCoordinates(patchIndex, ref textureCoordinates);
    // patch normals (if multipatch.HasNormals = true)
    if (hasNormals)
      //  number of normal coordinates = multipatch.GetPatchPointCount(patchIndex)
      Coordinate3D patchNormal = multipatch.GetPatchNormal(patchIndex, 0);
      ICollection<Coordinate3D> normalCoordinates = new List<Coordinate3D>(patchPointCount);
      multipatch.GetPatchNormals(patchIndex, ref normalCoordinates);
    Get the texture image of a multipatch
    // <summary>
    // This method gets the material texture image of a multipatch.
    // This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
    // </summary>
    // <param name="multipatch">The input multipatch.</param>
    // <param name="patchIndex">The index of the patch (part) for which to get the material texture.</param>
    public void GetMultipatchTextureImage(Multipatch multipatch, int patchIndex)
      int materialIndex = multipatch.GetPatchMaterialIndex(patchIndex);
      if (!multipatch.IsMaterialTextured(materialIndex))
      TextureCompressionType compressionType = 
      string ext = compressionType == TextureCompressionType.CompressionJPEG ? ".jpg" : ".dat";
      byte[] textureBuffer = multipatch.GetMaterialTexture(materialIndex);
      Stream imageStream = new MemoryStream(textureBuffer);
      System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(imageStream);
      image.Save(@"C:\temp\myImage" + ext);
    Inheritance Hierarchy



    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1

    See Also