Skyline (3D Analyst)

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Generates a line or multipatch feature class containing the results from a skyline or silhouette analysis.

Learn more about how Skyline works


Skyline tool illustration


  • This tool requires all input data to be in a projected coordinate system. An input feature class that is not in a projected coordinate system can be reprojected using the Project tool, and an input raster surface can be reprojected using the Project Raster tool.

  • The Segment Skyline parameter can be used to determine how much of the skyline is defined by specific multipatch features or the surrounding elevation surface. This can help provide an understanding about whether specific places of interest contribute to a given observation point's skyline.

  • The Skyline tool can be used to create feature silhouettes that can be extruded into shadow volumes with the Skyline Barrier tool. The shadows generated through this process will be created at a slight offset from the geometry of the input features. Alternatively, the Sun Shadow Volume tool can be used to generate shadows that extend from the feature geometry to produce accurate shadow volume. The placement of shadows on a surface can also be achieved using the Sun Shadow Frequency tool.

  • The following fields will be added to the Output Feature Class parameter value that contains the skylines:

    • OBSV_PT_ID—The FID of the observer point used to create this skyline
    • ORIGFTR_ID—The FID of the feature, such as a building
  • The following fields will be added to the Output Feature Class parameter value that contains the silhouettes:

    • OBSV_PT_ID—The FID of the observer point used to create this silhouette
    • ORIGFTR_ID—The FID of the original feature, such as a building, represented by this silhouette
    • DIR_VECT_X—The x-component of the unit vector representing the direction of the light rays from the observer
    • DIR_VECT_Y—The y-component of the unit vector representing the direction of the light rays from the observer
    • DIR_VECT_Z—The z-component of the unit vector representing the direction of the light rays from the observer
    • FEAT_CTR_X—The z-component of the center of the envelope of the original feature (for example, building)
    • FEAT_CTR_Y—The y-component of the center of the envelope of the feature
    • FEAT_CTR_Z—The z-component of the center of the envelope of the feature
    • BHND_CTR_X—The x-component of the center of the envelope of the feature, moved behind the feature
    • BHND_CTR_Y—The y-component of the center of the envelope of the feature, moved behind the feature
    • BHND_CTR_Z—The z-component of the center of the envelope of the feature, moved behind the feature
    • USED_PARLL—Whether the silhouette was created using parallel light rays (1 for yes and 0 for no)
    • MADE_VERT—Whether the silhouette was made vertical, rather than perpendicular to the light rays (1 for yes and 0 for no)
    • MOVED_BHND—Whether the silhouette was moved to behind the feature, rather than staying at its center (1 for yes and 0 for no)
  • Atmospheric refraction and earth curvature correction will only be applied when the Input Surface parameter value is a raster dataset. If the surface is defined by a TIN, terrain, or LAS dataset, use one of the following tools to export the data to a raster:


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Observer Point Features

The 3D points representing observers. Each feature will have its own output.

Feature Layer
Output Feature Class

The 3D features that will either be lines that represent the skyline or multipatches that represent silhouettes.

Feature Class
Input Surface

The topographic surface that will be used to define the horizon. If no surface is provided, a virtual surface will be used, defined by the Virtual Surface Radius and Virtual Surface Elevation parameter values.

LAS Dataset Layer; Mosaic Layer; Raster Layer; TIN Layer; Terrain Layer
Virtual Surface Radius

The radius of the virtual surface that will be used to define the horizon when no input surface is provided. The default is 1,000 meters.

Linear Unit
Virtual Surface Elevation

The elevation of the virtual surface that will be used to define the horizon in lieu of an actual surface. This parameter is ignored if an actual surface is provided. The default is 0.

Linear Unit
Input Features

The features used to determine the skyline. If no features are specified, the skyline will consist solely of the horizon line as defined by the topographic or virtual surface.

Feature Layer
Feature Level of Detail

Specifies the level of detail at which each feature will be examined.

  • Full DetailEvery edge in the feature will be considered in the skyline analysis (only edges of triangles and exterior rings are considered). This time-intensive operation is the most precise. This is the default.
  • Convex FootprintThe skyline analysis will use the upper perimeter of the convex hull of each feature's footprint extruded to the elevation of the highest vertex in the feature.
  • Envelope The skyline analysis will use the perimeter of the three-dimensional feature envelope. This is the fastest technique.
From Azimuth

The azimuth, in degrees, from which the skyline analysis will start.

The analysis starts from the observer point and goes to the right, from the From Azimuth parameter value until the To Azimuth parameter value is reached. The value must be greater than -360 and less than 360. The default is 0.

Double; Field
To Azimuth

The direction, in degrees, at which the skyline analysis will complete.

The analysis starts from the observer point and goes to the right, from the From Azimuth parameter value until the To Azimuth parameter value is reached. The value must be no more than 360 degrees greater than the From Azimuth parameter value. The default is 360.

Double; Field
Azimuth Increment

The angular interval, in degrees, at which the horizon will be evaluated while conducting the skyline analysis between the From Azimuth parameter value and the To Azimuth parameter value. The value must be no greater than the To Azimuth parameter value minus the From Azimuth parameter value. The default is 1.

Double; Field
Maximum Horizon Radius

The maximum distance from the observer location that a horizon will be sought. A value of zero indicates that no limit will be imposed. The default is 0.

Linear Unit
Segment Skyline

Specifies whether the resulting skyline will have one feature for each observer point or each observer's skyline will be segmented by the unique elements that contribute to the skyline. This parameter is only available if one or more multipatch features are specified for the Input Features parameter.

If silhouettes are being generated, this parameter will indicate whether divergent rays will be used. For sun shadows, uncheck the parameter.

  • Unchecked—Each skyline feature will represent one observer. This is the default.
  • Checked—Each observer's skyline will be segmented by the unique elements that contribute to the skyline.
Scale To Percent

The percent of the original vertical angle (angle above the horizon, or angle of elevation) or elevation each skyline vertex will be placed. If a value of 0 or 100 is used, scaling will not occur. The default is 100.

Scale According To

Specifies how scaling will be performed.

  • Vertical Angle From ObserverScaling will be performed based on the vertical angle of each vertex relative to the observer point. This is the default.
  • ElevationScaling will be performed based on the elevation of each vertex relative to the observer point.
Scale Method

Specifies the vertex that will be used for scale calculation.

  • Skyline MaximumVertices will be scaled relative to the vertical angle (or the elevation) of the vertex with the highest vertical angle (or elevation). This is the default.
  • Each VertexVertices will be scaled relative to the original vertical angle (or elevation) of each vertex.
Use Curvature

Specifies whether the curvature of the earth will be used when generating the ridgeline. This parameter is only available when a raster surface is specified for the Input Surface parameter.

  • Unchecked—The curvature of the earth will not be used. This is the default.
  • Checked—The curvature of the earth will be used.
Use Refraction

Specifies whether atmospheric refraction will be applied when generating the ridgeline from an input surface. This option is only available when a raster surface is specified for the Input Surface parameter.

  • Unchecked—Atmospheric refraction will not be applied. This is the default.
  • Checked—Atmospheric refraction will be applied.
Refraction Factor

The refraction coefficient that will be used if atmospheric refraction is applied. The default is 0.13.

Pyramid Level Resolution

The z-tolerance or window-size resolution of the terrain pyramid level that will be used. The default is 0, or full resolution.

Create Silhouettes

Specifies whether output features will represent skylines defining the barrier between the input data and the open sky or silhouettes representing the facade of observable input features. This option is only available if one or more multipatch features are specified for the Input Features parameter.

  • Unchecked—The output will be created as polyline features that represent the skyline. This is the default.
  • Checked—The output will be created as multipatch features that represent silhouettes.

Licensing information

  • Basic: Requires 3D Analyst
  • Standard: Requires 3D Analyst
  • Advanced: Requires 3D Analyst

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