Label | Explanation | Data Type |
Input raster | The input raster to be reclassified. | Raster Layer |
Output raster | The output reclassified raster. The output will always be of integer type. The attribute table of the output raster will have two new fields in addition to the standard ObjectID, Value, and Count fields. The Value field indicates the class value. The ZoneMin and ZoneMax fields record the minimum and maximum values, respectively, used for generating a class. | Raster Dataset |
Number of output zones (Optional) | The number of zones that the input raster will be reclassified into. This parameter is required when the Slice method parameter value is Equal area, Equal interval, Natural breaks, or Geometric interval. When the Slice method parameter value is Defined interval, Standard deviation (mean-centered), or Standard deviation (mean as a break), the Number of output zones parameter will be inactive. The number of output zones will be determined by the Interval size parameter value. | Long |
Slice method (Optional) | Specifies the manner in which the input raster will be reclassified into zones.
| String |
Starting value for output (Optional) | The starting value that will be used for zones (classes) on the output raster dataset. Classes will be assigned integer values, increasing by 1 from the starting value. The default starting value is 1. | Long |
Change NoData to value for output
(Optional) | Replace NoData with a value in the output. If this parameter is not set, NoData cells will remain as NoData in the output raster. | Long |
Interval size (Optional) | The size of the interval between classes. This parameter is required when the Slice method parameter is set to Defined interval, Standard deviation (mean-centered), or Standard deviation (mean as a break). If Defined interval is used, the interval size indicates the actual value range of a class used to calculate class breaks. If Standard deviation (mean-centered) or Standard deviation (mean as a break) is used, the interval size indicates the number of standard deviations used to calculate class breaks. | Double |
Available with Spatial Analyst license.
Available with 3D Analyst license.
Slices or reclassifies the range of values of the input cells into zones (classes). The available data classification methods are equal interval, equal area (quantile), natural breaks, standard deviation (mean-centered), standard deviation (mean as a break), defined interval, and geometric interval.
The following options are available for the Slice method parameter. They generate output zones with different characteristics.
- Equal area—The output raster will have the defined number of zones, with a similar number of cells in each zone.
- Equal interval—The output raster will have the defined number of zones, each containing equal value ranges.
- Natural breaks and Geometric interval—The output raster will have the specified number of zones, with the number of cells in each determined by the class breaks.
- Standard deviation (mean-centered), Standard deviation (mean as a break), and Defined interval—The output raster will have the number of zones determined by the Interval size parameter value, with the number of cells in each determined by the class breaks.
Depending on the specified slice method, either the Number of output zones parameter value or the Interval size parameter value must be specified.
- The Number of output zones parameter is required when using the Equal area, Equal interval, Natural breaks, or Geometric interval slice method.
- The Interval size parameter is required when using the Defined interval, Standard deviation (mean-centered), or Standard deviation (mean as a break) slice method.
You can use the Change NoData to value for output parameter to replace NoData values with an integer value in the output. If you need to prevent NoData cells from being combined with any output zones, specify an integer value that is outside the expected range of output zones. For example, with output zones ranging from 1 to 5, specify a value that is less than 1 or larger than 5. Candidate values include 0, 100, and -99. To merge NoData values into an existing zone, use the integer value for this zone. If this parameter is not set, input NoData cells will remain as NoData in the output raster.
arcpy.ddd.Slice(in_raster, out_raster, {number_zones}, {slice_type}, {base_output_zone}, {nodata_to_value}, {class_interval_size})
Name | Explanation | Data Type |
in_raster | The input raster to be reclassified. | Raster Layer |
out_raster | The output reclassified raster. The output will always be of integer type. The attribute table of the output raster will have two new fields in addition to the standard ObjectID, Value, and Count fields. The Value field indicates the class value. The ZoneMin and ZoneMax fields record the minimum and maximum values, respectively, used for generating a class. | Raster Dataset |
number_zones (Optional) | The number of zones that the input raster will be reclassified into. This parameter is required when the slice_type parameter value is EQUAL_AREA, EQUAL_INTERVAL, NATURAL_BREAKS, or GEOMETRIC_INTERVAL. When the slice_type parameter value is STANDARD_DEVIATION_MEAN_CENTERED, STANDARD_DEVIATION_MEAN_BREAK, or DEFINED_INTERVAL, the number_zones parameter is not supported. The number of output zones will be determined by the class_interval_size parameter value. | Long |
slice_type (Optional) | Specifies the manner in which the input raster will be reclassified into zones.
| String |
base_output_zone (Optional) | The starting value that will be used for zones (classes) on the output raster dataset. Classes will be assigned integer values, increasing by 1 from the starting value. The default starting value is 1. | Long |
nodata_to_value (Optional) | Replace NoData with a value in the output. If this parameter is not set, NoData cells will remain as NoData in the output raster. | Long |
class_interval_size (Optional) | The size of the interval between classes. This parameter is required when the slice_type parameter is set to DEFINED_INTERVAL, STANDARD_DEVIATION_MEAN_CENTERED, or STANDARD_DEVIATION_MEAN_BREAK. If DEFINED_INTERVAL is used, the interval size indicates the actual value range of a class used to calculate class breaks. If STANDARD_DEVIATION_MEAN_CENTERED or STANDARD_DEVIATION_MEAN_BREAK is used, the interval size indicates the number of standard deviations used to calculate class breaks. | Double |
Code sample
Reclassify the input raster into five classes based on natural groupings inherent in the data.
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = "C:/data"
arcpy.ddd.Slice("elevation", "c:/output/elev_slice.tif", 5, "NATURAL_BREAKS")
Reclassify the input raster with a defined interval equal to 10.
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = "C:/data"
arcpy.ddd.Slice("elevation", "c:/output/elev_slice_02.tif", "", "DEFINED_INTERVAL", "", "", 10)
Reclassify the input raster into 10 classes based on natural groupings inherent in the data, and specify the starting value for output classes to be -5.
# Name:
# Description: Slices the input raster into 10 zones(classes) based on natural groupings inherent in the data
# Specify the starting value for output classes to be -5.
# Requirements: 3D Analyst Extension
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data"
# Set local variables
inRaster = "elevation"
outRaster = "C:/output/elev_slice_03.tif"
numberZones = 10
baseOutputZone = -5
# Execute Slice
arcpy.ddd.Slice(inRaster, outRaster, numberZones, "NATURAL_BREAKS", baseOutputZone)
Reclassify the input raster into 10 equal area classes. Assign NoData cells to have a value of -99 in the output.
# Name:
# Description: Slices the input raster into 10 zones(classes) based on equal area.
# Assign NoData cells to have a value of -99 in the output.
# Requirements: 3D Analyst Extension
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data"
# Set local variables
inRaster = "elevation"
outRaster = "C:/output/elev_slice_04.tif"
numberZones = 10
baseOutputZone = 5
nodataToValue = -99
classIntervalSize = "" # or None
# Execute Slice
arcpy.ddd.Slice(inRaster, outRaster, numberZones, "EQUAL_AREA", baseOutputZone, nodataToValue, classIntervalSize)
Licensing information
- Basic: Requires 3D Analyst or Spatial Analyst
- Standard: Requires 3D Analyst or Spatial Analyst
- Advanced: Requires 3D Analyst or Spatial Analyst