Calculate Line Caps (Cartography)

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Modifies the cap type for stroke symbol layers in the line symbols of the input layer.


Calculate Line Caps tool examples
Square or butt caps are applied to dead-end streets, showing options where the cased-line streets connect to a green single-line street.


  • Stroke symbol layers symbolizing the Input Features parameter must have the Cap Type property connected to an attribute field with no expression applied. The values in this field are updated by this tool.

  • Line symbols that are relatively wide and drawn with multiple stroke symbol layers to display a cased road effect are often joined at their endpoints with round line caps to prevent symbol gaps appearing at sharp angles between features. However, a round end cap is generally not a desirable cartographic appearance for a dead-end street (dangling line features that are not connected at their endpoint to another feature.) The line cap style is generally overridden to a butt or square style in these situations. This tool detects dangles and overrides the cap type of the stroke symbol layer.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

The input feature layer containing line symbols. Stroke symbol layers must have the Cap Type property connected to a single attribute field with no expression applied. The values in this field are updated by this tool.

Cap Type

Specifies how the ends of stroke symbol layers are drawn. The default cap type of strokes is round; the symbol is terminated with a semicircle of radius equal to stroke width centered at the line endpoint.

  • Butt cap typeThe stroke symbol ends exactly where the line geometry ends. This is the default.
  • Square cap typeThe stroke symbol ends with closed, square caps that extend past the endpoint of the line by half of the symbol width.
Dangle Option

Specifies how line caps are calculated for adjoining line features that share an endpoint but are drawn with different symbology.

  • Cased line dangleThe cap style is modified for dangling lines (those not connected at their endpoints to another line) and also for the lines where a cased-line symbol is joined at the endpoint of a single-stroke layer line symbol. This is the default.
  • True dangleThe cap style is modified only for endpoints that are not connected to another feature.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Input Features

The updated input line feature layer.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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