Generate Hachures For Defined Slopes (Cartography)

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Creates multipart lines or polygons representing the slope between the lines representing the upper and lower parts of a slope.


Generate Hachures For Defined Slopes tool examples
Two examples of slope hachures are shown. The first shows uniform polygon triangles. The second show alternating tick lines.


  • The Search Distance parameter specifies the distance between the extremities of the upper and lower lines. If the extremities are within this distance, hachures are created in the area between the upper and lower lines. Both sets of extremities must be within this distance for hachures to be created. This parameter is only used if the Fully connected parameter is unchecked.

  • When multiple connected lines are present, they are considered as one (as though they are dissolved), and the extremities of the dissolved line are used for the search distance.

  • The geometry of the input features must be correctly established for the tool to determine the relationship of the features. Gaps, overlaps, or features that are not properly connected at the ends may affect the creation of the hachures.

  • Consider running the Simplify Line or Smooth Line tool first to remove small details in the upper and lower line features that may affect the orientation of the hachures.


LabelExplanationData Type
Upper Line Features

The line features that represent the top of a slope.

Feature Layer
Lower Line Features

The line features that represent the bottom of a slope.

Feature Layer
Output Feature Class

The output feature class containing multipart line or polygon hachures representing the slope area.

Feature Class
Output Feature Type

Specifies whether polygon triangles or tick lines will be created to represent the slope.

  • Polygon trianglesMultipart polygon features will be created in which a triangular polygon is created for each hachure, with the base along the upper line. This is the default.
  • Line ticksMultipart line features will be created in which a linear tick is created for each hachure.
Fully connected

Specifies whether the upper and lower lines in the input data form fully connected areas. If the upper and lower lines are not fully connected, leave this parameter unchecked to create hachures inside areas that are derived by connecting the extremities of the upper and lower features. If the upper and lower lines are fully connected, check this parameter to create hachures inside the fully enclosed areas.

  • Unchecked—The upper and lower features are not fully connected in the input data. New connections between the upper and lower features will be derived. This is the default.
  • Checked—The upper and lower features are fully connected in the input data. New connections between features will not be derived.
Search Distance

The distance used when deriving connections between the upper and lower features. When the extremities for the upper and lower feature are within this distance, the area between the features is used for creating hachures. The default value is 20 meters. When the Fully connected parameter is checked, this parameter is not available.

Linear Unit
Hachure Interval

The distance between the hachure ticks or triangles within the slope area. The default value is 10 meters.

Linear Unit
Minimum Length

The length a hachure tick or triangle must be to be created. Hachures that are shorter than this length will not be created. The default value is 0 meters.

Linear Unit
Alternate length of every other hachure

Specifies whether the length of every other hachure triangle or tick will differ.

  • Unchecked—All hachures will be of uniform length, which is the distance between the upper and lower slope lines. This is the default.
  • Checked—Every other hachure will be one-half the distance between the upper and lower slope lines.
Perpendicular to upper line

Specifies whether the hachure ticks or triangles will be perpendicular to the upper slope line.

  • Unchecked—Hachures will be oriented to obtain even spacing. This is the default.
  • Checked—Hachures will be oriented perpendicularly to the upper line.
Polygon Base Width

The width of the base of triangular polygon hachures. This parameter is active only when the Output Feature Type parameter is set to Polygon triangles. The default value is 5 meters.

Linear Unit

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: No
  • Advanced: Yes

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