Add Geometry Attributes (Data Management)

This ArcGIS 3.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Adds new attribute fields to the input features representing the spatial or geometric characteristics and location of each feature, such as length or area and x-, y-, z-, and m-coordinates.


This is a deprecated tool. This functionality has been replaced by the Calculate Geometry Attributes tool.


  • One or many attribute fields will be added to the input features depending on the options specified in the Geometry Properties parameter. If the fields already exist in the input features, the values in those fields will be overwritten. Use the following table to determine which fields will be added for each geometry property:

    Geometry propertyAdded field


    POLY_AREA—The area of the polygon.


    AREA_GEO—The shape-preserving geodesic area of the polygon.


    CENTROID_X—The x-coordinate of the centroid point.

    CENTROID_Y—The y-coordinate of the centroid point.

    CENTROID_Z—The z-coordinate of the centroid point. This field is only added if the input features are z-enabled.

    CENTROID_M—The m-coordinate of the centroid point. This field is only added if the input features are m-enabled.


    INSIDE_X—The x-coordinate of a central point inside or on the input feature.

    INSIDE_Y—The y-coordinate of a central point inside or on the input feature.

    INSIDE_Z—The z-coordinate of a central point inside or on the input feature. This field is only added if the input features are z-enabled.

    INSIDE_M—The m-coordinate of a central point inside or on the input feature. This field is only added if the input features are m-enabled.


    EXT_MIN_X—The minimum x-coordinate of the feature.

    EXT_MIN_Y—The minimum y-coordinate of the feature.

    EXT_MAX_X—The maximum x-coordinate of the feature.

    EXT_MAX_Y—The maximum y-coordinate of the feature.


    LENGTH—The length of the line.


    LENGTH_GEO—The shape-preserving geodesic length of the line.


    LENGTH_3D—The 3D length of the line.


    BEARING—The start-to-end bearing of the line. Values range from 0 to 360, with 0 meaning north, 90 east, 180 south, and 270 west.


    START_X—The x-coordinate of the first point of the line or polygon border.

    START_Y—The y-coordinate of the first point of the line or polygon border.

    START_Z—The z-coordinate of the first point of the line or polygon border. This field is only added if the input features are z-enabled.

    START_M—The m-coordinate of the first point of the line or polygon border. This field is only added if the input features are m-enabled.

    MID_X—The x-coordinate of the point halfway along the length of the line or polygon border.

    MID_Y—The y-coordinate of the point halfway along the length of the line or polygon border.

    MID_Z—The z-coordinate of the point halfway along the length of the line or polygon border. This field is only added if the input features are z-enabled.

    MID_M—The m-coordinate of the point halfway along the length of the line or polygon border. This field is only added if the input features are m-enabled.

    END_X—The x-coordinate of the last point of the line or polygon border.

    END_Y—The y-coordinate of the last point of the line or polygon border.

    END_Z—The z-coordinate of the last point of the line or polygon border. This field is only added if the input features are z-enabled.

    END_M—The m-coordinate of the last point of the line or polygon border. This field is only added if the input features are m-enabled.


    PART_COUNT—The number of parts composing the feature.


    PERIMETER—The length of the polygon perimeter or border.


    PERIM_GEO—The shape-preserving geodesic length of the polygon perimeter or border.


    PNT_COUNT—The number of points composing the feature.


    POINT_X—The x-coordinate of the point.

    POINT_Y—The y-coordinate of the point.

    POINT_Z—The z-coordinate of the point. This field is only added if the input features are z-enabled.

    POINT_M—The m-coordinate of the point. This field is only added if the input features are m-enabled.

  • If a coordinate system is specified, the length and area calculations will be in the units of that coordinate system unless different units are selected in the Length Unit and Area Unit parameters.

  • The attribute fields added by this tool are similar to any fields that you can add to a feature layer. You can overwrite the field values, or delete or rename the fields. The values in these fields are not automatically recalculated after edits. If you edit the features, you'll need to run this tool again to update the field values.

  • If the input features have a selection, only the selected features will have values calculated in the added fields; all other features will have null values.

  • This tool works with point, multipoint, polyline, polygon, and annotation feature classes. Annotation is treated as a polygon feature class.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

The input features to which new attribute fields will be added to store properties such as length, area, or x-, y-, z-, and m-coordinates.

Feature Layer
Geometry Properties

Specifies the geometry or shape properties that will be calculated into new attribute fields.

  • AreaAn attribute will be added to store the area of each polygon feature.
  • Geodesic areaAn attribute will be added to store the shape-preserving geodesic area of each polygon feature.
  • Centroid coordinatesAttributes will be added to store the centroid coordinates of each feature.
  • Central point coordinatesAttributes will be added to store the coordinates of a central point inside or on each feature.
  • Extent coordinatesAttributes will be added to store the extent coordinates of each feature.
  • LengthAn attribute will be added to store the length of each line feature.
  • Geodesic lengthAn attribute will be added to store the shape-preserving geodesic length of each line feature.
  • 3D lengthAn attribute will be added to store the 3D length of each line feature.
  • Line bearingAn attribute will be added to store the start-to-end bearing of each line feature. Values range from 0 to 360, with 0 meaning north, 90 east, 180 south, and 270 west.
  • Line start, midpoint, and end coordinatesAttributes will be added to store the coordinates of the start, mid, and end points of each feature.
  • Number of partsAn attribute will be added to store the number of parts composing each feature.
  • Length of perimeterAn attribute will be added to store the length of the perimeter or border of each polygon feature.
  • Geodesic length of perimeterAn attribute will be added to store the shape-preserving geodesic length of the perimeter or border of each polygon feature.
  • Number of verticesAn attribute will be added to store the number of points or vertices composing each feature.
  • Point x-, y-, z-, and m-coordinatesAttributes will be added to store the x-, y-, z-, and m-coordinates of each point feature.
Length Unit

Specifies the unit in which the length will be calculated.

  • Feet (United States)Length in feet (United States)
  • MetersLength in meters
  • KilometersLength in kilometers
  • Miles (United States)Length in miles (United States)
  • Nautical miles (United States)Length in nautical miles (United States)
  • Yards (United States)Length in yards (United States)
Area Unit

Specifies the unit in which the area will be calculated.

  • AcresArea in acres
  • HectaresArea in hectares
  • Square miles (United States)Area in square miles (United States)
  • Square kilometersArea in square kilometers
  • Square metersArea in square meters
  • Square feet (United States)Area in square feet (United States)
  • Square yards (United States)Area in square yards (United States)
  • Square nautical miles (United States)Area in square nautical miles (United States)
Coordinate System

The coordinate system in which the coordinates, length, and area will be calculated. The coordinate system of the input features is used by default.

Coordinate System

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Modified Input Features

The updated input features.

Feature Layer

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes