Reconstruct Tracks (GeoAnalytics Desktop)

This ArcGIS 3.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.


Creates line or polygon tracks from time-enabled input data.


Reconstruct Tracks tool illustration
Time-enabled points that have been reconstructed into tracks are shown.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Layer

The points or polygons to be reconstructed into tracks. The input must be a time-enabled layer that represents an instant in time.

Feature Layer
Output Feature Class

A new feature class with the resulting tracks.

Feature Class
Track Fields

One or more fields that will be used to identify unique tracks.


Specifies the criteria that will be used to reconstruct tracks. If a buffer is used, the Method parameter determines the type of buffer.

  • Geodesic If the spatial reference can be panned, tracks will cross the date line when appropriate. If the spatial reference cannot be panned, tracks will be limited to the coordinate system extent and may not wrap.
  • PlanarPlanar buffers will be created.
Buffer Type

Specifies how the buffer distance will be defined.

  • FieldA single field will be used to define the buffer distance.
  • ExpressionAn equation using fields and mathematical operators will be used to define the buffer distance.
Buffer Field

The field that will be used to buffer the input features. Field values are applied in the units of the spatial reference of the input unless you are using a geographic coordinate system, in which case they will be in meters.

Buffer Expression

The expression that will be used to buffer input features. Fields must be numeric, and the expression can include [+ - * / ] operators and multiple fields. Calculated values are applied in the units of the spatial reference of the input unless you are using a geographic coordinate system, in which case they will be in meters.

Use Arcade expressions such as as_kilometers($feature.distance) * 2 + as_meters(15).

If the layer is added to the map, the Fields and Helpers filters can be used to build an expression.

Calculator Expression
Time Split

Features that are farther apart in time than the time-split duration will be split into separate tracks.

Time Unit
Distance Split

Features that are farther apart in distance than the distance split value will be split into separate tracks.

Linear Unit
Time Boundary Split

A time span to split the input data into for analysis. A time boundary allows you to analyze values within a defined time span. For example, if you use a time boundary of 1 day, and set the time boundary reference to January 1, 1980, tracks will be split at the beginning of every day.

Time Unit
Time Boundary Reference

The reference time used to split the input data into for analysis. Time boundaries will be created for the entire span of the data, and the reference time does not need to occur at the start. If no reference time is specified, January 1, 1970, is used.

Summary Fields

The statistics that will be calculated on specified fields.

  • Count—The number of nonnull values. It can be used on numeric fields or strings. The count of [null, 0, 2] is 2.
  • Sum—The sum of numeric values in a field. The sum of [null, null, 3] is 3.
  • Mean—The mean of numeric values. The mean of [0, 2, null] is 1.
  • Min—The minimum value of a numeric field. The minimum of [0, 2, null] is 0.
  • Max—The maximum value of a numeric field. The maximum value of [0, 2, null] is 2.
  • Standard Deviation—The standard deviation of a numeric field. The standard deviation of [1] is null. The standard deviation of [null, 1,1,1] is null.
  • Variance—The variance of a numeric field in a track. The variance of [1] is null. The variance of [null, 1, 1, 1] is null.
  • Range—The range of a numeric field. This is calculated as the minimum value subtracted from the maximum value. The range of [0, null, 1] is 1. The range of [null, 4] is 0.
  • Any—A sample string from a field of type string.
  • First—The first value of a specified field in a track.
  • Last—The last value of a specified field in a track.

Value Table
Split Expression

An expression that splits tracks based on values, geometry, or time values. Expressions that validate to true will be split.

Calculator Expression
Split Type

Specifies how the track segment between two features is created when a track is split. The split type is applied to split expressions, distance splits, and time splits.

  • GapNo segment is created between the two features. This is the default.
  • Finish AfterA segment is created between the two features that ends after the split.
  • Start BeforeA segment is created between the two features that ends before the split.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: No
  • Advanced: Yes

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