Manage Map Server Cache Status (Server)

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Manages internal data kept by the server about the built tiles in a map or image service cache.


  • This tool is useful for rebuilding the cache status after you manually copy tiles into the cache directory or build tiles on demand.

  • This tool is the only way to build a status for a cache created with a previous release of ArcGIS Server or Portal for ArcGIS.

  • Rather than creating a status for the entire cache, you can alternatively use this tool to create status reports for custom areas of interest and scale levels. You do this by setting the Manage Mode parameter (manage_mode in Python) to REPORT_BUNDLE_STATUS. The report is stored in a new file geodatabase named Status.gdb, specifically within a feature class named TaskStatus.

    Note that your cache directory also contains a Status.gdb that pertains to the entire cache and is updated when you use the other Manage Mode options for this tool. You cannot substitute a custom Status.gdb in this location.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Service

The map image layer for which the cache status will be modified.. You can choose it by browsing to the desired service in Portal or you can drag and drop a web tile layer from the Catalog pane Portal tab to supply this parameter.

Image Service; Map Server
Manage Mode
  • Delete cache statusDeletes the status information used by the server.
  • Rebuild cache statusDeletes, then rebuilds the status information used by the server.
  • Rebuild bundle statusCreates status information in a new file geodatabase named Status.gdb in a folder you specify in the Output Folder parameter. This option is used when you want to create a custom status report for a particular area of interest or set of scales.

The scale levels for which the status will be modified. This parameter is only applicable when building a custom status using the Rebuild bundle status option for the Manage Mode parameter.

Number of caching service instances

Defines the number of instances that will be used to update/generate the tiles. The value for this parameter is set to unlimited (-1) and cannot be modified.

Output Folder

Output folder for the Status.gdb. This parameter is only applicable when building a custom status using the Rebuild bundle status option.

Area Of Interest

An area of interest (polygon) that determines what geography the status report will cover. This parameter is only applicable when building a custom status using the Rebuild bundle status option.

Feature Set
Report Extent

A rectangular extent defining the area for which the status will be built. This parameter is only applicable when building a custom status using the Rebuild bundle status option.

Note that the Area Of Interest parameter allows you to specify an area of interest that is nonrectangular.

  • Default—The extent will be based on the maximum extent of all participating inputs. This is the default.
  • Current Display Extent—The extent is equal to the data frame or visible display. The option is not available when there is no active map.
  • As Specified Below—The extent will be based on the minimum and maximum extent values specified.
  • Browse—The extent will be based on an existing dataset.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Map Service URL

The output service URL.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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